Odd Face Hunter deck list guide - Rastakhan - Hearthstone (December 2018)
The latest deck list and guide to playing Face Hunter in Rastakhan's Rumble.
Baku the Mooneater is a very special card that was first teased with the official reveal of The Witchwood, Hearthstone's eighth expansion. What makes it so special? Well, if it's in your deck and you've included no even-cost cards along with it, your Hero Power will be upgraded to do three points of damage, rather than two. It's a bit like our old favourite Justicar Trueheart in that regard.
In our guide to playing this upgraded take on Face Hunter, we've highlighted the deck list that's seeing the most competitive play right now. We've also got extensive strategy advice, tips on Mulliganing and a breakdown of all the combos that are contained in this precise deck list.
Finally, we wanted to have a rummage through the Hero's current card collection, and see what cards are taken out of the running if you want to build an odd-cost deck. That way you can start messing around with your own monstrous Baku creations.
It’ll take a little while to update all of the deck guides on Metabomb, but here’s the latest Odd Face Hunter deck list for the Rastakhan's Rumble launch window:
Odd Face Hunter deck list - Rastakhan’s Rumble launch
Hunter | Neutral |
2 x Arcane Shot | 1 x Acherus Veteran |
2 x Candleshot | 2 x Dire Mole |
2 x Hunter's Mark | 2 x Emerald Reaver |
2 x Tracking | 2 x Glacial Shard |
2 x Animal Companion | 2 x Leper Gnome |
2 x Eaglehorn Bow | 1 x Southsea Deckhand |
2 x Kill Command | 2 x Blackwald Pixie |
2 x Wolfrider | |
1 x Leeroy Jenkins | |
1 x Baku the Mooneater |
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
More great Hunter guides:
- 1. Best Budget Decks - Hearthstone: Best Budget Decks for Ashes of Outland
- 2. Tier List - Hearthstone deck tier list (Ashes of Outland)
- 3. Dragonbane Face Hunter - Dragonbane Face Hunter deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 4. Beast Hunter - Beast Hunter deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 5. Midrange Hunter - Midrange Hunter deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 6. Highlander Dragon Hunter - Highlander Dragon Hunter deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 7. Quest Hunter - Quest Hunter deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
The rest of this guide will be updated once we have a refined version of this archetype. For now, everything below this point refers to the previous version of the deck, but contains some useful info nevertheless.

Odd Baku Face Hunter deck list and strategy
Now that the community's had a chance to road test the best versions of Odd Baku Face Hunter, we've updated our recommended deck list to match those refinements.
Hunter | Neutral |
2 x Arcane Shot | 2 x Acherus Veteran |
2 x Candleshot | 2 x Argent Squire |
2 x Tracking | 2 x Dire Mole |
2 x Animal Companion | 2 x Fire Fly |
2 x Eaglehorn Bow | 2 x Glacial Shard |
2 x Kill Command | 2 x Ironbeak Owl |
2 x Unleash the Hounds | 2 x Wolfrider |
1 x Leeroy Jenkins | |
1 x Baku the Mooneater |
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAR8CrwSe+AIOoQKiAqgCtQP1Be0GlwjbCf4Ml8EC68IClc4C4eMCi+UCAA==
General strategy
Odd Hunter revives the Face Hunter of old, focusing on cheap charge minions, direct damage and an upgraded Hero Power from Baku the Mooneater to finish off your opponent as quickly as possible.
Ballista Shot does three damage each time, allowing you to whittle down your opponent faster and outvalue any healing or recovery cards in their deck.
Let’s take a look at the various stages of playing this one out.
Early game: Flood the board with your cheap minions and prioritise attacking face wherever possible. That said, don’t neglect trading – especially if you can take a minion out for free or if it might cause you some serious trouble in the future. Your cards are cheap enough that you should definitely be weaving in a Hero Power each turn wherever possible too, as that three damage can add up to a significant chunk of their health over time.
Mid game: This is where you’ll want to find a way to finish off the competition. Leeroy Jenkins is one straightforward way of doing this, as is using Kill Command to directly attack their life total when you have a Beast on the board. Don’t forget you also have Ironbeak Owl on hand should you want to clear a taunt out of the way and keep up the pressure.
Late game: If you haven’t won by this point it usually spells disaster for you. If your foe’s deck has zero or minimal ways to restore their Health or Armour then you might be able to get away with some repeated Hero Power use to finish them off. Maybe you’ll last long enough to bring Baku the Mooneater down as a nine drop too. Chances are by then they’ve already stabilised and swung the game in their favour.
Aggro Opponents
Here’s what you should keep in mind when playing against other aggro decks on ladder:
- 1. Saving buffs for trades is usually a sensible idea, a;though in a race against another aggro deck it can be worth using the Battlecry from Acherus Veteran for extra face damage.
- 2. If you know you’re going to be in a race against an aggro deck then your faster, high-damage cards and souped up Hero Power often put you in a better position to win.
- 3. Unleash the Hounds can be an excellent catch-up card if your opponent has gone wide on the board. On the other hand, if they overextend too far, the damage from multiple dogs might also be best used for going directly for their life total.
- 4. Freezing an enemy minion with Glacial Shard for one turn can sometimes delay damage to give you a moment’s rest, or allow you to push through lethal.
- 5. Candleshot is a great weapon for finishing off enemy minions as it makes you immune while attacking, giving you an all-important health advantage against other aggro decks.
Control opponents
Here’s how to deal with control opponents when playing Odd Hunter:
- 1. Play around board clears as best you can: whether that’s pushing through as much damage as you can before the wipe gets played or holding some resources back to get going again on the next turn.
- 2. You need to keep up the pressure: if you slow down even for a single turn that’s more time for them to get back into the game.
- 3. Save Ironbeak Owl to negate massive taunt minions. Running two copies of this card allows you to be more liberal with its use too.
- 4. Leeroy Jenkins giving your opponent two whelps is not always a disaster, as it can be combined with Unleash the Hounds to give you two extra Charge minions too.
Odd Baku Face Hunter Mulligan guide
With so many cheap minions in the deck it can be hard to know which ones to prioritise. We think you should be keeping a particular eye out for these though:
- 1. Dire Mole: A very survivable little one-drop that can usually live through early game trades thanks to its high health.
- 2. Argent Squire: A high-survivability one-drop Minion that also makes for a great Acherus Veteran target. You don't want ot trade too much with this deck, but this strategy can be very beneficial against other aggro decks.
- 3. Fire Fly: Just a solid all-round one drop that pops another copy into your hand.
- 4. Candleshot: The one damage weapon pairs nicely with your early game minions to take out your opponent’s threats.
- 5. Acherus Veteran: A decent buff for your other one drops, so only really keep this in your opening hand if you have something to play it on.
When the meta's a bit more established we're going to update this section of our guide with some tips on what to keep against each hero.
Odd Baku Face Hunter video guides
In this section we want to highlight a bit of Face Hunter gameplay footage so you have an idea of how all of this works in reality.
Trump's using a different version of the deck, but the broad principles of playing it remain exactly the same. Enjoy!
Odd Baku Hunter tips and card combos
Here's a quick look through all the combos so you gain an understanding of how the deck works beyond - you know - hitting the face...
- Kill Command does three damage in its vanilla state, but if you can get a Beast out on the board, then that damage value increases to five. You shouldn't have too much trouble achieving that in this deck!
- Don't forget that your new and Baku-improved Hero Power actually does three points of damage now, up from two. Make sure you adjust this new figure into the equations as you calculate how close your are to dealing lethal damage.
- The extra Attack granted by Acherus Veteran to a friendly minion is a permanent effect, not an aura that expires when the Veteran dies. It's also excellent for targets like Wolfrider and Leeroy Jenkins - that extra bit of burst might be all you need to wrap things up.
- Glacial Shard can be used to freeze a dangerous target, and buy you an extra turn to keep slamming that face damage in.
- Try to use the likes of Wolfrider and Leeroy Jenkins to finish the match. If you use them too early, you encourage a control opponent to either taunt up, or use some health restoration earlier than they might have.
Odd Baku Face Hunter card choices and substitutions
Let’s take a look at some of Odd Hunter’s key cards as well as any replacements you can use if you’re looking for cheaper alternatives:
- Candleshot: Excellent for finishing off minions in the early game as it makes you immune when attacking, but you can also swing for direct damage if there are no threats.
- Glacial Shard: Perfect for locking down enemy minions and stalling their game plan. Use that opportunity to push for extra damage.
- Ironbeak Owl: A cheap silence to negate pesky taunt minions. Can also be used as a cheap activator for Kill Command should you need it.
- Animal Companion: Pray for Huffer. If you get Leokk on a full board that’s pretty good too. Misha is fine but still the worst outcome in this deck type.
- Leeroy Jenkins: The classic aggro deck finisher. Sadly, it can’t be replaced with a cheaper Reckless Rocketeer because of the odd cost restriction and without it you’re missing a chunk of burst damage.
- Baku the Mooneater: Essential in upgrading your hero power to Ballista Shot so you can do three damage with each use. The deck loses a lot of efficiency without it.
Ready to start experimenting with your own Baku Hunter creations? In the rest of this guide we'll highlight all of the class-specific cards that you won't be able to utilise in this kind of deck.

Baku and Hunter cards in the Classic / Basic sets
You won't be able to make use of any of the following Classic and Basic Hunter cards if you want to make a Baku Hunter deck that plays by the rules.
Although not all of these cards see play right now, we don't know what the upcoming Witchwood meta will bring, and so we include them for the sake of being thorough!
- Explosive Trap (2 Mana)
- Flare (2 Mana)
- Freezing Trap (2 Mana)
- Misdirection (2 Mana)
- Scavenging Hyena (2 Mana)
- Snake Trap (2 Mana)
- Snipe (2 Mana)
- Savannah Highmane (6 Mana)
- Houndmaster (4 Mana)
- Multi-Shot (4 Mana)
Baku and Hunter cards in the Standard format
In order to play Baku the Mooneater in a Hunter deck when The Witchwood launches, you won't be able to take advantage of the following even-cost Hunter cards from across the relevant sets:
The Witchwood
- Hunting Mastiff (2 Mana)
- Rat Trap (2 Mana)
- Dire Frenzy (4 Mana)
- Wing Blast (4 Mana)
- Toxmonger (4 Mana)
- Houndmaster Shaw (4 Mana)
- Emeriss (10 Mana)
- Crackling Razormaw (2 Mana)
- Dinomancy (2 Mana)
- Grievous Bite (2 Mana)
- Hemet, Jungle Hunter
Frozen Throne
- Toxic Arrow (2 Mana)
- Venomstrike Trap (2 Mana)
- Exploding Bloatbat (4 Mana)
- Professor Putricide (4 Mana)
- Deathstalker Rexxar (6 Mana)
Kobolds and Catacombs
- Wandering Monster (2 Mana)
- Flanking Strike (4 Mana)
- Seeping Oozeling (6 Mana)
- Kathrena Winterwisp (8 Mana)
Other Baku / Genn deck guides:
Baku the Mooneater | Genn Greymane |
Odd Druid | Even Druid |
Odd Hunter | Even Hunter |
Odd Mage | Even Mage |
Odd Paladin | Even Paladin |
Odd Priest | Even Priest |
Odd Rogue | Even Rogue |
Odd Shaman | Even Shaman |
Odd Warlock | Even Warlock |
Odd Warrior | Even Warrior |
Baku and Hunter cards in the Wild format
Although there are many different versions of each Wild deck in use right now, here are the Hunter cards that you won't be able to make use of if you choose to throw Baku into the mix.
Obviously the Wild meta will change considerably in the new expansion anyway, but here's what impact he'll have at the moment the new expansion gets under way:
Giants Hunter:
- Explosive Trap (2 Mana)
- King's Elekk (2 Mana)
- Quick Shot (2 Mana)
- Deathstalker Rexxar (6 Mana)
- Sea Giant (10 Mana)
- Clockwork Giant (12 Mana)
- Mountain Giant (12 Mana)
Face Hunter:
- Crackling Razormaw (2 Mana)
- Explosive Trap (2 Mana)
- Freezing Trap (2 Mana)
- Glaivezooka (2 Mana)
- Kindly Grandmother (2 Mana)
- Mad Scientist (2 Mana)
- Quick Shot (2 Mana)
- Scavenging Hyena (2 Mana)
- Houndmaster (4 Mana)
Spell Hunter:
- Cat Trick (2 Mana)
- Explosive Trap (2 Mana)
- Quick Shot (2 Mana)
- Wandering Monster (2 Mana)
- Barnes (4 Mana)
- Flanking Strike (4 Mana)
- Deathstalker Rexxar (6 Mana)
- Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound (10 Mana)