Overwatch 2 counters chart: The best counter picks for each hero
How to counter every hero in Overwatch 2
What are the best counter picks for each Overwatch 2 hero? With a roster as large, varied, and balanced as that of Overwatch 2, and with so many abilities at each hero's disposal, it's hard to pin down which heroes perfectly counter one another. In reality, there are too many variables in play, and so you shouldn't expect there to be a simple rock-paper-scissors format to counter picking heroes in Blizzard's newest hero shooter.
But even so, for each of the 35 heroes on offer, they'll have a harder time against certain enemies than others. And while it's possible to defeat any hero no matter who you play as, changing your hero on the fly to combat the enemy's team composition is a very important skill to learn if you want to consistently win matches in Overwatch 2.
Below you can take a look at our very own Overwatch 2 counters chart, which shows you which heroes you should pick to give you the best chance against any of the 35 characters in the roster. Further below, we'll walk you through each hero and counter pick in turn, explaining why they are ideal counter picks against their chosen enemy.
Overwatch 2 counters chart

Above is a handy Overwatch 2 counters chart, which gives you all the necessary information about the counter picks for all 35 heroes, in just one easy to read image.
If you're looking for more details on how to use each of these heroes to counter each other, then read below for a full breakdown on how to counter every hero in Overwatch 2.
- D.Va
- Doomfist
- Junker Queen
- Orisa
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
- Sigma
- Winston
- Wrecking Ball
- Zarya
- Ashe
- Bastion
- Cassidy
- Echo
- Genji
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
- Mei
- Pharah
- Reaper
- Sojourn
- Soldier: 76
- Sombra
- Symmetra
- Torbjörn
- Tracer
- Widowmaker
- Ana
- Baptiste
- Brigitte
- Kiriko
- Lúcio
- Mercy
- Moira
- Zenyatta
How to counter D.Va in Overwatch 2
Here are the heroes to switch to if you're struggling to counter D.Va:
- Sombra
- Zarya
- Roadhog
- Junkrat
Sombra can easily land a hack on D.Va, making her a sitting duck with no access to her movement or defensive abilities. While Sombra's firepower alone may not be enough to burst down a D.Va, this tactic will all but ensure a kill when backed up by allies.
Zarya can protect both herself and a teammate with her Barriers, keeping them alive even against D.Va's Ult. D.Va's firepower will simply serve to amp up Zarya's beam, which incidentally cannot be blocked by D.Va's Defense Matrix.
Roadhog is a great counter to D.Va thanks to his hook and close-range damage output, which can burst down a D.Va far quicker than a D.Va can kill a Roadhog.
Junkrat is a strong counter to almost any Tank with his grenade spam, but against D.Va he also has the benefit of using his Steel Trap to halt her in place if she decides to charge your team's backline.
How to counter Doomfist in Overwatch 2
The following heroes have an edge in an encounter against Doomfist:
- Reaper
- Pharah
- Genji
- Echo
Reaper is a fantastic tank-killer in most circumstances, and Doomfist really doesn't have an answer to Reaper's self-healing and extreme close-range damage.
Pharah can stay well out of Doomfist's effective range, and rain hell down on him from above. She can also use flight to save herself from his Ultimate, and boop him off-track during a charge with her Concussive Blast.
Genji is too fast and flighty for Doomfist in many situations. He can dash out of the path of all of Doomfist's abilities, and his Deflect works well against Doom's primary attack.
Echo is airborne just like Pharah, and so she can stay out of his range while whittling down his health with her collection of potent weapons and high-DPS abilities.
How to counter Junker Queen in Overwatch 2
These are the heroes best suited to counter Junker Queen:
- Bastion
- Zenyatta
- Mei
- Orisa
Bastion, when in Tank mode, is one of few heroes with the firepower to melt a Junker Queen even while she's healing from Wounds. Just point and shoot.
Zenyatta should prioritise targeting Junker Queen with his Discord orb and firing at her from a distance to whittle down her health.
Mei can use her Endothermic Blaster to great effect against Junker Queen, slowing her and keeping her from pushing properly. If she gets in trouble, she can also Cryo-Freeze at a moment's notice to negate Junker Queen's shotgun blasts.
Orisa is a good Tank vs Tank matchup against Junker Queen thanks to her extreme durability, decent firepower, and her ability to push Junker Queen back away from the rest of her team.

How to counter Orisa in Overwatch 2
The best way to counter Orisa is by using the following heroes:
- Winston
- Zenyatta
- Junkrat
- Reaper
Winston shouldn't be used to 1v1 Orisa (she'd win), but Orisa's slowness means the best counter is to simply play around her, decimating the enemy's backline with a strong dive hero like Winston.
Zenyatta can use his Orb of Discord to counter the effects of Orisa's Fortify, and his long-range shots allow him to stay well out of her effective range.
Junkrat is always a good pick against strong Tanks. If Orisa pushes, he should use his Mines to deal extra damage. Otherwise just keep raining grenades down on her and her healer(s) until she dies.
Reaper has a tougher time against Orisa than most other Tanks, but he's still capable of tearing her apart with either his Ult or simply his primary fire. Big targets are ideal for Reaper.
How to counter Reinhardt in Overwatch 2
Here are the ideal heroes for countering Reinhardt in Overwatch 2:
- Reaper
- Bastion
- Pharah
- Junkrat
Reaper is the ideal counter to Reinhardt, capable of teleporting behind his wall and quickly bursting him down (or at least distracting him and stopping his push).
Bastion has the firepower to tear apart Reinhardt's Barrier and then Reinhardt himself. The only thing to watch out for is Reinhardt's charge, but otherwise Bastion's DPS will win the fight.
Pharah is almost completely immune to anything Reinhardt can do against her, and her splash damage rockets can eat away at the entire team, bypassing his Barrier entirely.
Junkrat can use Reinhardt's Barrier as the easiest target practice in the world. If Reinhardt charges, Junkrat can stop him using his Steel Trap, and punish him with Concussion Mines, often leading to a quick kill.
How to counter Roadhog in Overwatch 2
If you want to beat a good Roadhog, here are the heroes to use:
- Ana
- Zarya
- Widowmaker
- Reaper
Ana, like all squishy heroes, has to watch out for Roadhog's hook. But otherwise she's ideal to counter him, able to whittle down his health from afar and put him to sleep as soon as he begins his Ultimate.
Zarya is the tank best suited to surviving a hook from Roadhog. His shotgun blasts can very quickly amp up Zarya's damage if bubled, and Roadhog presents an easy target for Zarya thanks to his large hitbox.
Widowmaker can stay well out of Roadhog's hook range and continually snipe him to burst him down fairly effectively. Roadhog has a fairly large head, so headshots aren't too difficult for her.
Reaper and Roadhog are an interesting matchup. Both can heal, and both excel at close-range fights. But Reaper can easily get the drop on Roadhog with his teleport and Wraith Form, giving him a definite edge.

How to counter Sigma in Overwatch 2
These are the best heroes for taking on Sigma in Overwatch 2:
- Orisa
- Reaper
- Genji
- Reinhardt
Orisa can use her Fortify and Javelin Spin to soak up Sigma's Hypersphere damage, and push him back well beyond his Barrier, giving you a decisive advantage.
Reaper is very well-suited to jumping on Sigma and his team behind their shield, and while Sigma can block Reaper's shots, Reaper's healing and damage potential is still too much for Sigma to handle.
Genji can easily zip past Sigma's Barrier to deal lots of quick burst damage - particularly powerful since Sigma has no healing of his own - and he provides a hard target for Sigma to hit with his Hyperspheres.
Reinhardt can weather Sigma's Hyperspheres, and charge straight through Sigma's own Barrier, just like Orisa can. Sigma can't do anything against Reinhardt's melee attacks.
How to counter Winston in Overwatch 2
If you're having trouble dealing with Winston, try switching to one of the following heroes:
- Roadhog
- Ana
- Junkrat
- Moira
Roadhog can easily hook Winston out of position after he's used his leap to land on your team's backline. Up close, Winston loses most Tank vs Tank fights, particularly against Roadhog's shotgun blasts.
Ana has the power of her Sleep Dart with which to tranquilise Winston the moment he begins to Ult, making her a very effective counter. It also gives her some safety if he decides to pounce on her at any time.
Junkrat can quickly wear Winston down with his onslaught of explosives. Winston has no healing, armour, or Overhealth abilities of his own, and with his large hitbox he's an easy target for Junkrat.
Moira isn't a hard counter per se, but seeing as Winston's modus operandi is to dive on the enemy team's backline of Support characters and healers, being able to zip away and use her lifesteal to stay alive longer than most is a very useful thing to have.
How to counter Wrecking Ball in Overwatch 2
Here are the best heroes to switch to in order to counter Wrecking Ball:
- Sombra
- Reaper
- Bastion
- Pharah
Sombra can hack Wrecking Ball to instantly turn him from a speedy ball of chaos into a slow and vulnerable target.
Reaper is difficult to burst down as long as he's fighting back at close range, which is where Wrecking Ball likes to be. So Reaper's shotguns are ideally suited to taking Hammond down.
Bastion won't find it too difficult to whittle away Wrecking Ball's health, either from afar or up close. Particularly in Tank configuration, Bastion's DPS is something for Wrecking Ball to fear.
Pharah can rain down rockets on Wrecking Ball all day long, and he doesn't really have much of a counter to her. Not to mention Pharah's vantage point from the sky makes it easier to keep track of Wrecking Ball's antics.

How to counter Zarya in Overwatch 2
These heroes have the easiest time against Zarya in Overwatch 2:
- Pharah
- Sombra
- Zenyatta
- Bastion
Pharah is again an ideal pick against Zarya, because just like most Tanks, she can stay out of Zarya's effective range. As long as Pharah is careful not to supercharge Zarya's Bubble, she's a great counter.
Sombra can use her Hack to prevent Zarya from protecting herself with her Bubble - her strongest ability both for offence and defence. Without it, Zarya is much more easily dealt with.
Zenyatta can lay down strong fire while staying out of Zarya's beam range (though he still must be careful of her grenade launcher alt-fire), and his ult can be used to prevent a team wipe when Zarya starts her Graviton Surge.
Bastion is a soft counter to Zarya simply because of the sheer amount of firepower he has while in Tank mode. If Zarya is caught on her own and it doesn't matter too much that she gets extra damage, you can burst down her Bubble and then her in record time.
How to counter Ashe in Overwatch 2
If you need to deal with an enemy Ashe, consider one of the following heroes:
- Widowmaker
- Hanzo
- Tracer
- Reinhardt
Widowmaker is the ideal pick to counter basically any sniper. Her hitscan, no-damage-dropoff bullets give her a better chance of quickly dispatching an enemy Ashe than pretty much anyone else.
Hanzo is similarly very good against Ashe, particularly thanks to his Sonic Arrows, which give him the advantage in a fight where the Ashe is peeking in and out of cover.
Tracer is a contender for the best flanker in Overwatch 2, and an enemy Ashe will find it very difficult to deal with Tracer's constant zipping around in close quarters.
Reinhardt Reinhardt's Barrier does a fantastic job of protecting his entire team from snipers such as Ashe, and he can bring the fight to her rather quickly with his charge, making life very difficult for her.
How to counter Bastion in Overwatch 2
These are the heroes best suited to taking down Bastion:
- Roadhog
- Junkrat
- Ana
- Reaper
Roadhog can quickly destroy Bastion at close range, because Bastion is a lot squisher than it seems. Land a hook on its large frame and it's almost certainly dead.
Junkrat can treat Bastion just like a Tank hero, raining down grenades until it dies. Junkrat is also ideal for dealing damage while staying out of line of sight of Bastion's Tank configuration.
Ana can use her all-important Sleep Dart to neutralise Bastion the moment it configures into Tank mode. The extra few seconds makes it very easy for a team to burst Bastion down before it can fight back.
Reaper can hit Bastion's large hitbox very easily if he gets up close and personal with the robot. As long as you get the drop on Bastion, it should be fairly easy to destroy.

How to counter Cassidy in Overwatch 2
If you want to focus on dealing with an enemy Cassidy, these are the best hero counter picks:
- Widowmaker
- Winston
- Baptiste
- Tracer
Widowmaker has a definite edge in long-ranged encounters against Cassidy. Over the ranges that Widowmaker excels at, Cassidy will find it very difficult to land accurate headshots.
Winston can dive on Cassidy at a moment's notice, and with Cassidy's Overwatch 1 flashbang now gone and forgotten, there's really nothing Cassidy can do to stop Winston killing him.
Baptiste can lay down his Immortality Field to protect against Cassidy's Deadeye Ultimate. Even in ordinary fights against Cassidy, Baptiste's Immortality Field is useful because Cassidy's low rate of fire makes it harder for him to deal with the device.
Tracer should be careful of Cassidy's rapid alt-fire, but otherwise she has the definite upper hand in a close-range engagement thanks to Cassidy's low fire rate and Tracer's speed and slight hitbox.
How to counter Echo in Overwatch 2
These heroes are the ones best suited for taking on Echo in Overwatch 2:
- Widowmaker
- Sojourn
- Hanzo
- Sombra
Widowmaker is perfectly suited for taking down an enemy Echo. With her hitscan shots she can headshot her out of the sky with ease. Just be careful of Echo's powerful no-damage-dropoff bullets.
Sojourn Can lay down constant fire to quickly whittle down Echo's health, and her hitscan beam is perfect for killing Echo while she's flying around in the air.
Hanzo can kill Echo with a single headshot (or two body shots) at any range, making him almost as good at taking her down as Widowmaker.
Sombra can cloak and hack Echo to prevent her from flying and lock her out of using all of her damage-dealing abilities. Her primary attack is still very dangerous, but with no abilities she'll also be very easy to burst down.
How to counter Genji in Overwatch 2
If Genji is tearing down your team, switch to one of these Genji counter picks:
- Pharah
- Brigitte
- Zarya
- Ana
Pharah can stay well out of Genji's range with good efficient use of her fuel, and rain down rocket-fire until he dies. She can shoot the floor next to him to deal damage even while he's deflecting.
Brigitte is very hard for an enemy Genji to assassinate. Her shield protects her amply from his shuriken and melee attacks, and her long-ranged melee attack and Whip Shot keeps him from getting close.
Zarya can use her bubble to survive Genji's devastating Ultimate, and if she manages to bubble another hero well-suited to taking Genji down, then he can be brought down very quickly even while Ulting.
Ana may find it difficult to land a Sleep Dart on Genji while he's Ulting, but if she can do it (timing it so that she shoots while Genji's dash is on cooldown) then this really is the ultimate counter to the Dragonblade.

How to counter Hanzo in Overwatch 2
These are the best counter picks for Hanzo in Overwatch 2:
- Widowmaker
- Winston
- Genji
- D.Va
Widowmaker excels at taking out other snipers, and her shots are much easier to land over long distances than Hanzo's arcing arrows. She will very often win this matchup.
Winston can use his Leap to pounce on an enemy Hanzo, and Hanzo won't have the damage potential to burst him down before Winston kills him. Hanzo simply doesn't have the mobility to escape a Winston.
Genji can use his mobility to get close to Hanzo, and his Deflect is ideally suited for countering Hanzo's Storm Arrows and primary attacks.
D.Va can use her Defense Matrix to eat most of Hanzo's attacks, and she has the pushing power and damage potential to dive on Hanzo at a moment's notice, just like Winston.
How to counter Junkrat in Overwatch 2
You'll have a much easier time dealing with Junkrat if you switch to one of these heroes:
- Pharah
- Kiriko
- Echo
- Widowmaker
Pharah is a hard counter to Junkrat. As long as she doesn't get close enough for him to use his Mines, then an airborne Pharah is almost impossible for a Junkrat to hit, and her rockets will kill him with ease.
Kiriko can use her mobility and flanking potential to deal lots of damage to Junkrat, and potentially kill him with her high headshot damage. If timed right, she can also use her Protection Suzu to counter Junkrat's Ultimate.
Echo has more than enough damage potential to quickly tear apart Junkrat, and just like Pharah she can fight while airborne, making her an extremely difficult target for Junkrat.
Widowmaker can defeat a Junkrat with a single headshot at any range. Find the right position (up high, with lots of space behind you for the grenades to travel past) and Junkrat can't do much against you.
How to counter Mei in Overwatch 2
Mei can be countered fairly well using any of the below heroes:
- Pharah
- Sombra
- Widowmaker
- Soldier: 76
Pharah is a difficult target for Mei, as she can stay well out of range of Mei's primary weapon. Pharah can also quickly burst down Mei's Walls, and isn't constrained by them.
Sombra can Hack Mei to prevent her from using her Cryo-Freeze to save herself. She does have to be careful of Mei's close-range prowess, but bursting her down is easy to do when backed up by at least one ally.
Widowmaker has the one-shot burst damage potential to kill Mei before she even has the chance to activate her Cryo-Freeze. The only downside is that Mei can Wall her off, but as long as she stays at range there's little else Mei can do against her.
Soldier: 76 should stay at range to avoid Mei's spray, but otherwise he has the consistent damage to force her into her Cryo-Freeze, and then to keep shooting after she's out of it again until she dies.

How to counter Pharah in Overwatch 2
Pharah can be a menace if not countered appropriately with one of the following heroes:
- Widowmaker
- Hanzo
- Sojourn
- Soldier: 76
Widowmaker is a hard counter to Pharah. Pharah's airborne movements make her a predictable target for a decent Widowmaker, and there's very little that Pharah can do against her.
Hanzo fills a similar sniper role to Widowmaker, and thus is a great counter to Pharah. All he needs is a single headshot to send her back to her spawn room.
Sojourn has the benefit of her hitscan beam attack to burst down Pharah in the air before she can respond. This is particularly useful when Pharah holds still in the air to activate her Barrage.
Soldier: 76 has a hitscan primary weapon, which makes him ideal for damaging Pharah while she flies through the air. He can get out of danger quickly with his Sprint if hit by a rocket, and his Ultimate is a very hard counter to a challenging Pharah.
How to counter Reaper in Overwatch 2
Tank-killer Reaper can be nullified with the following counter picks:
- Widowmaker
- Echo
- Pharah
- Zenyatta
Widowmaker can stay well out of Reaper's effective range and kill him with a single shot. She needs to pay careful attention to where he teleports, but there's no hero better suited to taking Reaper down.
Echo can fly out of Reaper's range, and her abilities and powerful primary attack give her the damage potential to outstrip Reaper's healing factor.
Pharah is another airborne hero that Reaper will have trouble dealing any damage to, and her rockets can eat away at him until he dies. A good Pharah can also try to save her team from a Reaper Ult by booping him away from them with her Concussive Blast.
Zenyatta can activate his Ultimate to save everyone from a Reaper Death Blossom if he's quick enough. Otherwise, he can stay at range, dealing huge damage with a combination of his Orb of Discord and his accurate primary attacks.
How to counter Sojourn in Overwatch 2
These are the heroes that give you the best matchup against Sojourn:
- Winston
- Zarya
- Widowmaker
- Lúcio
Winston can take the fight instantly to Sojourn in the backline, and his bulk is a bit too much for Sojourn to burst down. Her slide can also be followed fairly easily by Winston's Leap.
Zarya thrives against heroes with consistent firepower like Sojourn, because her Bubbles not only tank a lot of Sojourn's damage but also amp Zarya's own damage considerably.
Widowmaker and Sojourn counter each other in some ways, but there's no denying a single Widowmaker headshot is just about the cleanest way to get rid of an enemy Sojourn.
Lúcio is a surprisingly decent 1v1 hero in Overwatch 2; his constant self-heal and high mobility makes him a tricky target for Sojourn, and he can keep up with Sojourn's slide more easily than most.

How to counter Soldier: 76 in Overwatch 2
Here are the best counter picks against Soldier: 76 in Overwatch 2:
- Roadhog
- Winston
- Genji
- Sigma
Roadhog can tank an awful lot of fire from Soldier: 76, and all it takes is a single hook followed up by a single shotgun blast to end Soldier's life instantly.
Winston is nearly as good against Soldier: 76 as he is against Sojourn. He can pounce on Soldier and deliver lots of quick damage, and even if Soldier puts down his Biotic Field, Winston can knock him out of it.
Genji can reflect Soldier: 76's bullets and rockets back at him for quick unexpected damage, and makes a rather hard target for a non-Ulting Soldier to deal with.
Sigma can use either his Barrier or his Kinetic Grasp to nullify Soldier's firepower, and he can quickly finish a Soldier off with an Accretion followed by a quick one-two with his Hyperspheres as long as he's close enough.
How to counter Sombra in Overwatch 2
Use the following heroes to stop a Sombra in her tracks:
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
- Widowmaker
- Tracer
Hanzo is the perfect counter to Sombra. His attacks deal huge burst damage, giving her little time to Translocate to safety; and his Sonic Arrow can reveal her even while stealthed - and she may not even realise it.
Junkrat can protect himself from sneaky flank attacks by Sombra thanks to careful use of his Steel Trap. Besides that, just one or two shots with his grenades will finish her off, and a Mine at close range will also ruin Sombra's day.
Widowmaker is as good against Sombra as Sombra is against her. It all depends on who gets the drop on the other. But as always, Widowmaker's one-shot-kill capabilities makes her a very dangerous enemy for Sombra.
Tracer is a great flanker just like Sombra, and both will have lots of difficulty finishing off the other. If Sombra can hack Tracer, it's a different story. But otherwise, Tracer's abilities will give her an edge in combat.
How to counter Symmetra in Overwatch 2
Symmetra can be countered using any of the below heroes:
- D.Va
- Pharah
- Winston
- Junker Queen
D.Va's survivability and fast-firing cannons make short work of Symmetra and her turrets, even when forced into one of Symmetra's trap rooms. She can mostly shrug off whatever Symmetra can throw at her.
Pharah's rockets can easily take out Symmetra turret nests, and Pharah's beam is nowhere near long-ranged enough to handle Pharah while airborne.
Winston can dive straight onto Symmetra and kill her before she has time to ramp up the damage on her beam. His primary attack is also well-suited to quickly taking out Symmetra's turrets.
Junker Queen has the close-range damage potential to rival Symmetra's beam, and her wounds allow her to heal at an incredible rate, making it hard for Symmetra to do anything to her.

How to counter Torbjörn in Overwatch 2
These are the heroes best suited to counter Torbjörn in Overwatch 2:
- Pharah
- Widowmaker
- Ana
- Echo
Pharah is the ultimate Torbjörn counter. At mid-to-long range she's very hard to Torbjörn to hit, and his turret can be quickly destroyed by her rockets.
Widowmaker can one-shot-kill a Torbjörn from well outside his effective range. Torbjörn has no real mobility or survivability beyond his Overload, making him an easy target for Widowmaker.
Ana can use her Sleep Dart to counter an Overloaded Torbjörn that is giving her team trouble. She also has the sniper's benefit of vastly outranging Torbjörn and his turret.
Echo needs to be careful of Torbjörn's auto-aiming turret, but otherwise she has extremely high mid-range damage potential that can happily deal with an enemy Torbjörn.
How to counter Tracer in Overwatch 2
These are the ideal counter picks against a good enemy Tracer:
- Winston
- Brigitte
- Pharah
- Torbjörn
Winston has both mobility and brawn on his side, making him ideal for chasing down a Tracer. You should be alert to any flank attempts on your backline, then peel off and Leap on her to take her down with ease.
Brigitte acts as an anti-flank Support with her strong personal Barrier and long-ranged melee attack. It's both difficult and dangerous for a non-Ulting Tracer to get up close and personal with a Brigitte.
Pharah can get a bird's eye view of Tracer's movements, making it far easier for her to deal with Tracer with a well-placed rocket or two.
Torbjörn himself will have difficulty dealing with Tracer, but his auto-aiming turret is fantastic at following Tracer around despite all her Blinks.
How to counter Widowmaker in Overwatch 2
If you need to counter an enemy Widowmaker, here are the heroes to check out:
- Winston
- Wrecking Ball
- Sojourn
- Reinhardt
Winston is capable of tanking Widowmaker's snipes and automatic fire, and can Leap at her without warning to fry her with ease. Even if she manages to grapple away, he can quickly follow her with another Leap.
Wrecking Ball fills a similar diving Tank role to Winston. He's survivable and hard to burst down, and can use his mobility to bring the fight straight to Widowmaker.
Sojourn is of course vulnerable to Widowmaker's snipes, but her hitscan beam combines with her strong primary fire to make her a great hero for suppressing and/or killing Widowmaker at mid-range.
Reinhardt is a solid counter pick against any enemy sniper, capable of using his Barrier to defend the whole team against Widowmaker's assassination attempts.

How to counter Ana in Overwatch 2
These heroes excel at taking down Ana in Overwatch 2:
- D.Va
- Widowmaker
- Junker Queen
- Tracer
D.Va can eat all of Ana's sniper shots, and force a close-range encounter where Ana has no easy way to escape D.Va's firepower.
Widowmaker is once again the ideal counter to another long-range sniper character. A single headshot will kill an Ana instantly.
Junker Queen can use her Ult to prevent Ana from healing any of her teammates, and her tankiness makes her difficult for Ana to do anything about.
Tracer is very good at bypassing the enemy's frontline and forcing a close-range fight with the likes of Ana. Unless Ana lands a good Sleep Dart on Tracer, there's little she can do against Tracer.
How to counter Baptiste in Overwatch 2
The following heroes have the edge over Baptiste in a matchup:
- D.Va
- Genji
- Hanzo
- Roadhog
D.Va can easily eat up Baptiste's shots, and besides this he doesn't have the damage output to do anything against an aggressive D.Va. And even if he blocks D.Va's ult with his Immortality Field, it still reduces everyone to 1 health, making them easy to finish off.
Genji is just too fast for Baptiste to have a chance. Baptiste's shots are hitscan, but Genji's deflect allows him to get close before finishing him off.
Hanzo has the burst potential to kill off a Baptiste before he has the chance to heal himself or lay down his Immortality Field. He can quite comfortably deal with Baptiste at just about any range.
Roadhog can hook Baptiste right out of his Immortality Field and kill him with a single shotgun blast. Even without the hook, he's just too beefy for Baptiste to handle.
How to counter Brigitte in Overwatch 2
To counter Brigitte, try switching to one of the following heroes:
- Bastion
- Pharah
- Junkrat
- Hanzo
Bastion has such immense firepower in Tank Configuration, it can easily tear through Brigitte's Barrier and kill her, without having to get into the close range that Brigitte prefers.
Pharah is predictably very adept at staying away from Brigitte and raining down fire on her. Splash damage from rockets hit on the ground next to her will hurt Brigitte through her Barrier.
Junkrat has the perfect skillset for dealing with any slow tanky hero, and Brigitte is no exception. Even if she manages to get close, he can blast them apart again with his Mines.
Hanzo can stay very far out of Brigitte's range, and fire powerful damaging arrows at her to whittle down her protections. There's really nothing Brigitte can do against a hero at such ranges.

How to counter Kiriko in Overwatch 2
Here are the best heroes if you want to counter Kiriko in Overwatch 2:
- Widowmaker
- Sombra
- Sojourn
- Tracer
Widowmaker, once again, is the ideal counter to any other long-ranged sniper-esque hero. She can kill Kiriko before Kiriko has any time to teleport away or save herself with her Protection Suzu.
Sombra can stealth behind enemy lines, get close to Kiriko, and hack her to prevent her from teleporting away. After that, unless Kiriko is very good with her headshots, Sombra will win the fight.
Sojourn can easily burst down Kiriko with her alt-fire beam. Burst damage is important, because if it's done over time, Kiriko will have time to teleport away.
Tracer, just like Sombra, can dive onto the enemy's backline and take out Kiriko without much hassle. If Kiriko fights back hard or teleports away, Tracer can use her mobility to get away or to chase her and secure the kill.
How to counter Lúcio in Overwatch 2
These heroes are the best at hunting down an enemy Lúcio:
- Pharah
- Torbjörn
- Moira
- Bastion
Pharah is a hard target for Lúcio to shoot, and his erratic movements don't appear nearly as erratic from a high vantage point. Pharah's rockets are probably the best counter to a good Lúcio.
Torbjörn has a lot of damage potential that can burst down a Lúcio before he heals up. His turret can also auto-aim on Lúcio despite all his wall-running antics.
Moira can lock onto Lúcio fairly easily with her alt-fire, and leech away his health while healing herself. In a pure 1v1, Moira should win the fight.
Bastion has too much damage for Lúcio to simply duck and weave and heal through it. As long as you can keep Lúcio in your crosshair as Bastion in Tank mode, he's as good as dead.
How to counter Mercy in Overwatch 2
These heroes can turn Mercy into an easy target in Overwatch 2:
- Widowmaker
- Winston
- Roadhog
- Sojourn
Widowmaker can end Mercy with a single shot from any range. All she needs is a moment where Mercy peeks out from behind cover or attempts to follow her teammate into the fight.
Winston is well-suited for diving straight onto a Mercy and finishing her off. He can also Leap onto her if she tries to soar over to a nearby ally, making it difficult for her to survive his assault.
Roadhog can take advantage of Mercy's predictable movements, hooking her close and eliminating her with ease. Basically any character can defeat Mercy in a 1v1, but Roadhog is a good counter because of the ease with which he can bring her out of position.
Sojourn can use her hitscan beam to deal lots of unexpected burst damage. If she spends time charging it up ahead of time, it can delete an enemy Mercy with ease.

How to counter Moira in Overwatch 2
Moira can be countered by switching to one of the below heroes:
- Widowmaker
- Sombra
- Wrecking Ball
- Winston
Widowmaker is always going to be a strong counter to squishy, evasive heroes. Moira's healing and Fade won't come into play if Widowmaker lands an insta-kill headshot on her.
Sombra can prevent Moira from using her Fade to escape with a single Hack. After that, Sombra's extra damage against hacked opponents should be more than a match for Moira's DPS.
Wrecking Ball can hound Moira easily with his extreme mobility. Moira can stay alive for a decent time thanks to her abilities, but she can't realistically deal with a Wrecking Ball before it kills her.
Winston may find it frustrating to deal with a Moira who can Fade the moment he dives on her, but he's still a strong hero to use against Moira to take her away from her allies and potentially burst her down if she doesn't react fast enough.
How to counter Zenyatta in Overwatch 2
If an enemy Zenyatta is causing trouble, consider switching to one of these counter picks:
- Junker Queen
- Winston
- Widowmaker
- Genji
Junker Queen can use her Ult as a hard counter to Zenyatta's game-changing Transcendence, preventing healing effects on everyone she hits.
Winston can survive a lot of damage from Zenyatta, and more importantly can dive on him for a near-guaranteed kill, seeing as Zen lacks any escape abilities.
Widowmaker can easily dispatch an enemy Zenyatta with a single shot, beating Zen at his own long-ranged game.
Genji can deflect Zenyatta's powerful primary attacks for a lot of unexpected damage, and at close range his shuriken and blade will handily win the fight.
Phew. That was a lot of heroes and counter picks to get through! Despite the fact that every single hero in the game has potential counters, that won't stop some from rising to the top of the meta. Check out our Overwatch 2 tier list to find out which heroes are at the top. If you want a primer on all the heroes in the roster and their abilities, consult our Overwatch 2 characters list. You can also check our guide on how to unlock heroes in Overwatch 2 if you're a new player, and you can make them look as stylish as possible with the help of our Overwatch 2 skins guide.