Pecubular Combat: Cube World
Last time I looked at Cube World, Wollay had added adorable pet dogs which officially meant that anyone doubtful of the game's potential was probably called Norman 'Pessimist-Pants' Naysay. Sure enough, it's a popular name and people started to chunner about the combat looking too simplistic for their refined tastes. Behold, a new video that shows several different weapons and their functions, as well as some grin-stretching customisation. It doesn't look deep and it doesn't look tactical; it looks like splashing about somewhat haphazardly in a shallow pool filled with something that's sugary, delicious and somehow filled with vitamins.
If I can customise my character's facial hair as well as his weapons, nothing more need be added.
Unless...can a dog even have customisable moustaches and beard?