Pogo-Hopper Rogue deck list guide - Saviors of Uldum - Hearthstone (August 2019)
Our starter guide to playing the revived archetype in Saviors of Uldum.
Pogo-Hopper Rogue is a Hearthstone deck archetype that's built around the popular Boomsday Project card. When you first play this minion it has a rather meagre 1 / 1 of stats, but future copies of Pogo-Hopper gain an extra +2 / +2 of stats for each copy of the card you've played up until that point.
Considering all of the ways a Rogue has to bounce cards back into their hand, you've the potential to build a pretty intimidating board presence over time. If all of this is giving you nightmareish memories of Jade Druid then you're not alone, but the “good” news is that the archetype has not so far proved such a disruptive force as that old deck in the new meta.
During the Rise of the Mech, Pogo Rogue received a reasonable buff, but be advised that it’s still not exactly a powerhouse of a deck, especially with Vanish being rotated to the Hall of Fame.
Pogo Rogue isn’t exactly the prime deck for the meta at the moment, and it hasn’t received a great deal of support from the Saviors of Uldum expansion. Thus, we’ve updated the deck list to see if you fancy going up against the new meta with this pick. You might just take your opponents by surprise!
Rogue | Neutral |
2 x Backstab | 1 x Bloodmage Thalnos |
2 x Shadowstep | 2 x EVIL Cable Rat |
1 x Preparation | 2 x Novice Engineer |
2 x Pogo-Hopper | 1 x Magic Carpet |
1 x Eviscerate | 1 x SN1P-SN4P |
2 x Lab Recruiter | 2 x Witchwood Piper |
1 x Sap | 1 x Barista Lynchen |
2 x EVIL Miscreant | 1 x Zilliax |
1 x Edwin VanCleef | |
2 x Fan of Knives | |
1 x Spirit of the Shark | |
1 x Myra's Unstable Element | |
1 x Heistbaron Togwaggle |
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAaIHDLICzQPtBYgHhgnn+gKggAO0hgOSlwO9mQO1nwOftwMJtAGcAu0CmwWm8ALX+gLg+gK0kQOPlwMA
More great Rogue guides:
- 1. Best Budget Decks - Hearthstone: Best Budget Decks for Ashes of Outland
- 2. Tier List - Hearthstone deck tier list (Ashes of Outland)
- 3. Stealth Rogue - Stealth Rogue deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 4. Tempo Rogue - Tempo Rogue deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 5. Secret Rogue - Secret Rogue deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 6. Galakrond Rogue - Galakrond Rogue deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 7. Malygos Rogue - Malygos Rogue deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
The general idea behind playing this deck is to use the many bounce cards the Rogue has at its disposal to keep those Pogo-Hopper minions bouncing back into your hand and your deck, and so grow an ever-snowballing threat built around them. The combo section at the bottom of the page has more details on how you can achieve this.
New card Lab Recruiter is a key part of this process, allowing you to shuffle three Pogo-Hoppers back into your deck each time. Consider that you can also Shadowstep your Lab Recruiter, and it's not hard to imagine just how quickly things can get out of control for the opponent. Valeera the Hollow provides further combo fuel.
That's the very broad overview of playing Pogo-Hopper Rogue, then, but we'll be updating this section with advice for handling aggro and control opponents specifically once we've had a chance to play with this one a little more in the live meta.
For more help in the meantime, take a look at our combo section towards the bottom of the page.
Pogo-Hopper Rogue Mulligan guide
Here are some of the cards you should be looking for at the start of a match with this archetype:
- 1. Pogo-Hopper - An obvious choice but keep in mind that if it's not bounced back, or shuffled into your deck quickly with Lab Recruiter, you're waiting for the second copy to turn up.
- 2. Backstab - Perennially useful early-game removal that has particular use against aggro decks.
- 3. Lab Recruiter - A core part of your early mechanism for bouncing Pogo-Hopper minions back into your deck.
Pogo-Hopper Rogue tips, combos and synergies
There are always lots of combos to mess around with in a Rogue deck, and Pogo-Hopper Rogue is no exception. Here's a closer look at all of the core card interactions that exist in this version of the deck:
- The next spell you cast after playing Preparation will have its cost reduced by three. There's particularly synergy between this card and Sprint, or Vanish if you want to reset the board and maybe pull some Hoppers back into your hand. Just watch your hand size.
- Lab Recruiter works a little bit like Gang Up!, except you also get a 3 / 2 minion on the board. You can use Shadowstep to bring this character back to your hand and then repeat the effect at a reduced cost.
- Core card Pogo-Hopper only has 1 / 1 stats when it's first played, but each subsequently played Hopper gains two extra points of Attack and Health.
- Spirit of the Shark doubles all your Battlecries and Combos, even Pogo-Hopper! If you get a decent number of Pogo Hoppers played, things might just be looking good for you as its initial buff is doubled.
- Witchwood Piper will pull either Bloodmage Thalnos, Lab Recruiter or Pogo-Hopper into your hand if you've any of these minions left in your deck.