Portal 2 Map Creator Trailer Is Wonderful, Has Squids
Once Valve gets around to releasing its magical future goggles, I'm hoping it'll just start constantly beaming clever trailers for its games straight to my eyeballs. Between TF2's "Meet The ___" series and Portal's cavalcade of comedic excellence, I could spend all the rest of my days awkwardly cackling to myself on buses, in restaurants, and while committing the most unforgivable crime of them all: wearing sunglasses at night. Everyone will hate me and take tremendous pleasure every time I stumble blindly into low-hanging signs or taller-than-ordinary children. Which brings us to Valve's latest bit of advertorial brilliance: the story justification for the Perpetual Testing Initiative, as narrated by Aperture founder Cave Johnson.
It's out on May 8. I want to be a giant squid monster. And in the game. So then, does this balance out the immaterial trailer forces of the universe after yesterday's somewhat regrettable showing from Ubisoft?