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President Reveal: The Saints Row IV Trailer

I spent 10 minutes over at Reddit's 'MURICA page to get inspiration for this post. I think I overloaded a bit too much on the blinding sunshine of American patriotism. Every time I blink my eyes I see stars and stripes, every noise sounds like an F-16 revving up to liberate communists, every bird I see is a squawking golden Eagle of Freedom and Liberty. I think I'm ready, then, to click on the latest Saint's Row IV trailer.


A little preparation is necessary before you stare blindly into the mushroom cloud of Saints Row IV: you're the president of the US, and you'll be fighting off an alien invasion. Is that a subtext? Are the aliens really immigrants, and are you being asked to consider their struggle to get by being presented as the aggressor? Is this a Ken Levine game all along?

Those questions will be dispelled the moment you see the first nut-shot. No, this is more of the same creative and offensive slapstick you'd expect. It's about a man in Apollo Creed's outfit hitting things. At one point he punches an alien space craft. Have you ever seen Obama do that? Of course you haven't.

Trailer time. They're still holding onto the Dubstep theme, which is now so passe that it's positively pre-historic. Don't they know we're all Gangham-Styling our Harlem Fandango, now?

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23rd of August shall be Saint's Row IV's independence day.

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