Prey Mooncrash DLC out now alongside free story, survival and new game+ modes
Multiplayer coming this summer
At last night's Bethesda E3 conference, we got another of those 'here's a thing and it's out now' announcements. It's a Prey expansion, called Prey Mooncrash, which is pitched as "an infinitely replayable experience" in which the "enemies, hazards and loot" are different each time you play.
If spending money isn't your thing, Arkane had more Prey-flavoured stuff, too. A free update - also out now - brings new modes to the base game, including store mode, new game+, and a survival mode. Hop below for trailers and details of all of those - plus a scant mention of a multiplayer mode called Typhon Hunter that's coming later this summer.
Here's the Mooncrash trailer, for starters:
I do love that song.
Mooncrash is, as the name suggests, set on the moon. You're taking part in a simulation and attempting to escape from a research facility on the surface, with all the normal Prey enemies and tools to play with in the process. You don't only play as the same characters as in the base game; instead, there are multiple new unlockable characters, each with their own upgradeable skills. Those are presumably the gribbly fellows in the image above. The DLC costs £13/$20/€20 from Steam, or £30 if bought alongside the base game as part of a new Prey Digital Deluxe edition.
Arkane have been teasing this new expansion for months, via Twitter gifs, unsubtle 'redacted' photos, and updated achievements.
The new free modes are pretty much what they sound like: the story mode is designed for people who want the narrative without so much combat; survival mode introduces the need to manage your oxygen levels and bleeding after injuries; and New Game+ is, I assume, the same old game made harder. We'll throw a writer against the rocks of all of this and get back to you with thoughts.
Finally, details were light on the Typhon Hunter multiplayer, beyond a description: it's a competitive mode one player is human and five other players control Mimics, the game's shape-shifting enemies. As in the singleplayer, the Mimic players can turn into regular objects - cups, boxes, etc. - in order to get the jump on the human. Nothing else is clear beyond that, but you can imagine the Prop Hunt-like potential.
The trailer above was shown as part of Bethesda's stage conference, after which a few other details were shared. You can watch that in the video below, which should be timed to start at the right section of the video.