Princess Breaker: Long Live The Queen
After gargling on Broforce! for a while, I had to sit down and look for something more sedate. Long Live The Queen is a game about being a princess, or bringing up a princess, I'm not entirely sure which. Am I the princess, I wondered as I prodded the demo with my cursor, or is the princess a sort of Tamagotchi that I am responsible for? Either way, the game is similar to the Princess Maker series, which I definitely didn't play and become oddly invested in when I was fifteen. There are a number of hours in the day and the princess fills her time by advancing skills, either through training and practice or through socialising. And then, the trailer suggests, she dies horribly. No explosions though, honest.
Long Live the Queen is out now, available for Windows, Linux and Mac, and it'll set you back $12.95. Perhaps try the demo first? It's from the studio that brought you Magical Diary, which Mr Cobbett looked at on our behalf because we could not tolerate it, being keepers of Scientifick Journals.