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Rainbow Six Siege Gets Discounted Starter Edition

Siege the day

Starter editions - concise versions of bigger games that sell for a fraction of the price - are all the rage these days. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [official site] is the latest inline, so, instead of parting with £30/$50 of your hard-earned cash so as to sample the environmental destruction-heavy FPS that Adam really quite liked, why not consider dropping just £12/$15 on its Starter Edition? You've got until June 19 to do so.

For the next two weeks, Siege's Starter Edition gets you access to the "full Rainbow Six Siege experience", which includes its weapons, its maps, and its modes. The main difference, then, besides the price, is how Operators are unlocked. As opposed to the standard 20, Starter Edition includes just two Operators who're chosen at random from the six soldiers featured in the above header image - the "most intuitive for entry-level players," according to Ubisoft.

The Standard Edition will also bag you 600 R6 credits that can be used to unlock a further two comrades from that there motley crew, and if you feel like accessing more it'll set you back 12,500 renown (Siege's in-game currency), instead of between 500-2,000 as per the game's Standard Edition. So you'll grind for your penny-pinching sins, in essence.

One thing I really liked about my time with Siege was how it felt like I was learning on the job. Developing an understanding of how inventories, mechanics, in-game tech etc. work in any game is crucial, yet Siege makes you feel more accomplished, more capable, a better soldier for doing so. It's a gradual process and it's really quite rewarding. Here's Adam on that very point:

"As you gain experience – in the form of in-game levels and unlocks, but more importantly, in the form of ACTUAL EXPERIENCE OF THE GAME – your reaction times will improve. This is one of the essential and most important facts about Siege; you can feel yourself becoming a better player as you learn how to use its tools and systems. That’s vital. If it weren’t the case, the fairly barebones package that comprises the actual #content wouldn’t be anywhere near enough to keep anyone’s attention for long."

June 19 is, what, just over two weeks away? Is that time enough to learn the ropes? I guess that's up to you to decide. Rainbow Six Siege's Starter Edition is out now (until June 19) for Windows on Steam or via Uplay priced £11.99/$14.99/14,99€.

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