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Remember Renegade Ops? Okay Then.

Renegade Ops, or "Renegops" as probably no one but me will call it, the upcoming top-down arcade blast 'em up from Avalanche Studios, has got itself a new video-trailer thing. I hope you like weapons and upgrade systems, because that's what it is showing off:

And for good measure, have yourselves some extended gameplay footage too:

Looks like a good spot of fun to me. Fast paced, smashy, bashy, shooty, explodey action. Avalanche outdid themselves with the utterly wonderful Just Cause 2, and I intend to be first in line for Renegops.

It's due on Steam some time next month, at a price of £9.99/€12.99/$14.99 for a single copy, or £19.99/€24.99/$29.99 for four copies. I don't think I've ever seen a Steam four pack with that tasty a discount before, so buddying up seems like a good idea to me.

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