Renegade Ops: It's Out Soonish
When is a launch trailer not a launch trailer? That's right, kids, when the game isn't due out for another couple of weeks. That's the awkward situation Renegops has thrust us into: It has just came out on the consoles, but isn't going to be gracing the PC with it's presence until later on this month. Still, we've got pretty moving pictures to keep ourselves entertained in the meantime:
The trailer is mostly comic book style cinematics, but if you stick around to the end, there's some action too. Hey, have they ripped off the split screen thing from the LEGO games? Fantastic.
We might have to wait a bit longer than those controller toting sofa dwellers, but as mentioned by comrade Alec in his preview, Avalanche have said that they're going to try to make up for it by including some additional features in the PC version, and the PC only (heavilly discounted) 4-Pack is still available to preorder via Steam.
Renegops is certainly looking like a fun time so far. There's more hot video of it in action over here. Are you lot already splitting into groups of four to get this, or do you need a bit more convincing first?