Falling Down: Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Running and jumping and falling and shooting
Just as Dark Knight Rises was mostly a tale of falling down in order to get back up again, Rise of the Tomb Raider [official site] will require Lara Croft to hit the ground hard before she even considers doing any sort of upward movement. A new 13 minute video from Gamescom sees her Jonesing around, talking about her dad's research, stumbling, crashing, dodging bullets and - SHOCK OF SHOCKS - raiding a tomb.
I enjoyed the previous game until I reached a village that kept exploding and I'm slightly dismayed by the helicopters and constantly collapsing scenery, but it's a very handsome video, and if there are tricksy tombs to balance out the angry militia, I'm willing to endure the latter.
Ignore the XBOX logo in the corner. The PC release was recently confirmed - it's coming early 2016.
The end of the trailer, which features an extremely angry tomb, is the worst of it, I think. Noisy running and jumping with slightly disjointed animations. Here's hoping for more of the quiet spectacle seen in the reveal shot earlier in the trailer. Tombs don't have to be the loudest places in the world, packed with angry men, even if that is true to life.