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Risen 2: Dark Waters Gets Bright Images

Risen 2: Dark Waters! Will it be shit? We just don't know. We do know that the first Risen was a pleasantly free-form RPG that had tons of potential and that this one is looking piratical. Now there are some new screenshots, showcasing the game's new firearms and also the fact that giant enemy crabs can be kicked onto their backs so you can get at their weakspots. That's innovation, right there. Poor crabs.

Jim used to own an insane crab called Otis, you know. He needed to live in warm water, so Jim bought a water heater for the tank. Otis's "thing" was to go waddling over to these heaters and meticulously destroy them. I'm not making this up. These heaters weren't cheap and he did this several times over. I must ask Jim what happened to Otis, actually.

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