Road Redemption Delayed By Louisiana Floods
Best of luck
Road Rash-y fight-o-bike-a-racer Road Redemption's [official site] exit from Early Access has been delayed again, this time for a reason that's somewhat out of the makers' hands. Dark Seas are based in Louisiana, see, which is currently facing catastrophic flooding. Making a video game is obviously not their top priority right now, so they're pushing Road Redemption back from its previously-announced October 15 launch date until at least November. Which, yeah, fair enough.
"We hope to have the whole team back to work on Road Redemption as quickly as possible but right now our priority is making sure that everyone on the team, and their families, have a safe place to stay," Dark Seas co-founder Ian Fisch said yesterday.
"We hope that all of our fans will support us in these tragic circumstances, and if they’d like to help they can visit to make a donation."
Dark Seas also, er, included a photo of senior programmer Jason Tate's house:
Hard to argue with that.
Best of luck to everyone affected by this ongoing disaster.