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Rocket League's summer Beach Blast kicks off today

What a load of balls

Rocket League knows its audience. While the rest of the gaming works is going bananas over E3, salivating over the next big thing, Rocket League players only want to kick a ball around a bit. With rockets. And cars. As you do. The Beach Blast event went live about two hours ago, and will be continuing through until July 2nd. It offers players the chance to earn a whole new range of fashionable cosmetic bits for their cars, as well as a few new seasonal models. Or just buy them, although where's the fun in that?

As with their previous Halloween event, there's a new range of loot crates and keys to unlock them, both of which can be purchased with real money. There's also a special currency earned through regular online play - Shells, fitting the beach theme - that you can hoard to either spend directly on some cosmetic goodies, or trade in for Decryptors, another way to open those juicy boxes of skins, hats and boost effects. The only limitation is that shell-bought Decryptors will permanently bind any items rewarded to that player, so they can't be traded.

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This is all following on from the release of the Salty Shores arena, as seen above, along with a peek at some of the goodies you can earn playing in the summer event. I quite like the terrifying screaming pineapple that you can balance on top of your car; perhaps pushing the definition of a 'hat' a little, but are you going to argue with a screaming pineapple? No, thought not. Good. The whole thing is tied together with a faux '80s aesthetic that I honestly really dig.

The Beach Blast event will be running from today until July 2nd, 5PM PDT, with everyone's leftover shells magically evaporating on the 6th.

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