RPS Omnibus: Feb 24th- Mar 1st
Does the bus ever really go anywhere? Or does the week simply move around it? CONSIDER.
Or just catch up with everything we've posted since last Saturday. Your call, really.
Features, Opinions & Interviews
Jim's gonzo GDC diary: part one, and part two.
The RPS Verdict: The Club
Kieron hates music
Interview: Shadowgrounds
The future of racing games
Ruminating on gaming interface devices
Interview: Men of War - Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 follow-up
Getting a head in Age of Conan.
Prototype - Jim sees it in action
Champions - First footage from the City of Heroes follow-up
The Project Entropia upgrade
UEFA [insert number here] -New foot-to-ball electric adaptation
Stargate Worlds - Oddly familiar
Lost: Via Domus - Latin doesn't make it clever
Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm - EXTREME FISHING
Witches - With bonus Clint Mansell
Happy Tree Friends - John's excited, anyway
The Chronicles of Spellborn - Oddly familiar
Battlefield Heroes - Our first-hand account. 'Tis exciting, honest.
Battlestations Pacific
Mirror's Edge - Jim sees it, with his own actual eyes. Then gibbers with unabashed love.
Lego Batman - new footage
Free games and gaming frippery
Lego Mod for Unreal Tournament
Phun - Crayony-physicsy thingy
Track-warping song pack for Audiosurf
Forumwarz - satirical in-browser RPG
Blizzard crack down on virtual currency sales
EA to buy 2K?
The LA Times tackles indie gaming
Crysis versus reality
Puzzle Quest sequel incoming, with aliens and lasers and stuff
Bizzare club together for charidee
Dying to die - Is in-game death more pleasurable than in-game succcess?
Will Wright talks Care Bears
CliffyB is an idiot (says Mark Rein)
Mass Effect and Dead Space: this is when
Sims Online closes -Reborn as -ick- 'EA-Land'
EA launches experimental studio 'Blueprint'
The secrets of Dwarf Fortress
Dead Space confirmed for PC
Iron Lore is kaput
Want a job at Introversion? - F'real.