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RPS Social Club: Up North, May 28th

UPDATE: This has now relocated to Kyoto Bar, details here.

I once heard that a man can lose himself in London. Lose himself. I was considering jumping on a train to that there capital city for the next London based RPS Social Club meeting, but abject fear of the tube (TRAINS UNDER THE GROUND?!?!) and the fact that I don't own a bowler hat are preventing me from going. So, I thought, why not get the Social Club to come to me? Read on for details of the first Manchester based RPS Social Club Meet.

Here's the plan: At 3pm on Saturday the 28th of May (three and a bit weeks from now) all the RPSers who are in the Manchester area, or within close reach, are going to pile into Font Bar Kyoto Lounge in Manchester. Then we get a bit drunk (or point and laugh at those getting drunk if you're not a drinker) and get angry at each other for liking different PC games, and tell each other how much we love each other for liking the same PC games. It's going to be brilliant.

Font bar is just a 30 second skip from Oxford Road station, or a 5 minute walk in a straight line from Piccadilly station, so it should be relatively easy to find for anyone travelling by train. There's a thread here in the forums for ongoing discussion. We'll probably be collecting in the downstairs area of the bar, because it is cooler than the upstairs. You'll be able to spot us because we'll be trendier and more beautiful than everyone else in the bar, but I'm going to be booking us some tables too.

If you're closer to London, then why not pop along to the London Social Club Meet on the same day. I specifically chose a bar with free WiFi, so we can have playful internet banter about how our meet is better than their meet.

Who's coming?

Photo & Artwork by Tom Bingham.

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