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Sims 4 cheats and codes: Unlimited money, immortality and more

Do you use Sims 4 money cheats or are you a liar?

How do I use cheat codes in The Sims 4? Cheating in The Sims series is as much a traditional part of the game as building a wall around the pool and watching your Sim slowly drown. Our ultimate guide to The Sims 4 cheats will tell you all about how to enable cheats, and which cheats will give you loads of money to spend, let you build anywhere in the game, or just kill whichever Sims you don't particularly like. No judgement from us.

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How do I enable cheats in Sims 4?

To use Sims 4 cheats on PC, you first need to open up the cheat console within the game. Exactly how you do this will depend on your hardware:

  • Windows users: hit CTRL + SHIFT + C.
  • Mac users: hit CMD + SHIFT + C.

In order to enable many of the below cheats, you'll first need to enter the following into the console:

testingcheats on

Not every cheat code in the game requires this, but many do. Now that's all taken care of, you're ready to begin using cheats in The Sims 4! There are a lot of Sims 4 cheats to play with, so we've split this page up into sections according to their purpose:

The Sims 4 basic cheats

A family of Sims, ranging in age from toddler to elder, occupy a living room in The Sims 4.
Image credit: EA

Some cheats defy easy characterisation, but are nevertheless some of the most useful in the game, particularly if your Sim finds themself in a tight spot:

  • help: Lists all available commands.
  • testingcheats [on/off or true/false]: Toggles enabling testing cheats in your game.
  • cas.fulleditmode: Allows you access to a fuller version of Create-A-Sim when accessing it during gameplay via a mirror or dresser (see Modify in CAS section).
  • casclockspeed [0-10]: Sets the speed of Sims' animations in CAS. 0 is paused.
  • resetsim [FirstName LastName]: Resets a stuck Sim and clears their action queue.
  • get_sim_id_by_name [FirstName LastName]: Shows the named Sim's ID number, which is required for some cheats.
  • fullscreen: Toggles full screen mode.
  • headlineeffects [on/off]: Toggles Plumbobs, thought balloons, relationship and skill changes, and other effects that display over Sims' heads.
  • hovereffects [on/off]: Toggles glowing outline that indicates which Sim or object is being hovered over.
  • fps [on/off]: Toggles the FPS (frames per second) display on screen.

The Sims 4 money cheats

An incredibly busy, eclectic living room designed with items from The Sims 4: Décor to the Max Kit.

Money makes the world go round in The Sims 4, and just like in real life, it often feels like there's never enough of it. Luckily, there are money cheats aplenty to give your Sims a leg-up if you choose to provide them with one:

  • kaching: Adds 1,000 Simoleons to the active household's funds.
  • rosebud: Adds 1,000 Simoleons to the active household's funds.
  • motherlode: Adds 50,000 Simoleons to the active household's funds.
  • FreeRealEstate [on/off]: Toggles ignoring move-in costs when moving households into residential lots, making all homes free to purchase.
  • Money [amount]: Sets the active household's funds to the given amount.
  • sims.modify_funds [+/-][amount]: Adds or subtracts the given amount of Simoleons from the active household's funds.

The Sims 4 building cheats

A house from The Sims 4, shown in Build-Buy Mode.

The expansive and flexible Build Mode is widely considered a highlight of The Sims 4. To really take your building skills to the next level, though, you might like to play around with the following cheats:

  • bb.enablefreebuild: Enables editing of hidden lots.
  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Unlocks all Career Reward items in Build Mode.
  • bb.moveobjects: Toggle to ignore most placement restrictions when placing objects. Definitely the most useful cheat on this list.
  • bb.showhiddenobjects: Shows all hidden debug objects in Build Mode.
  • bb.showliveeditobjects: Shows all out-of-bounds environmental items in Build Mode.
  • objects.gsi_create_obj [object]: Spawns the specified object.

The Sims 4 needs and mood cheats

In a flashback to their high school years, some iconic Sims demonstrate the new wants and fears system in The Sims 4. At a pool party, Eliza is afraid of getting in the water, while Bob just wishes he could go home. Bella and Mortimer have messing around on the brain, while Geoffrey dreams of romance (but can't get Nancy to look up from her phone).

Keeping Sims feeling positive makes it easier to improve their skills, career performance, and more. Use the cheats below to set your Sims' moods:

  • fillmotive motive_Bladder: Maxes out the active Sim's Bladder need into the green.
  • fillmotive motive_Energy: Maxes out the active Sim's Energy need into the green.
  • fillmotive motive_Fun: Maxes out the active Sim's Fun need into the green.
  • fillmotive motive_Hunger: Maxes out the active Sim's Hunger need into the green.
  • fillmotive motive_Hygiene: Maxes out the active Sim's Hygiene need into the green.
  • fillmotive motive_Social: Maxes out the active Sim's Social need into the green.
  • sims.fill_all_commodities: Maxes all needs for all Sims in the active household.
  • sims.[add/remove]_buff [BuffName]: Adds or removes the specified Emotion Buff.
  • sims.remove_all_buffs: Removes all Emotion Buffs from the active Sim.

Note: There are literally thousands of moodlet buffs in the game, and it would be impossible to list them all here. Elsewhere in the guide, we include codes for buffs that convey specific special statuses (i.e. temporary occult status) on the Sim for their active duration.

The Sims 4 relationship cheats

A wedding ceremony in The Sims 4: My Wedding Stories, with a bride being walked down the isle.

Without strong relationships your Sims can't keep their social needs high, advance in many careers, or (duh) make more Sims together. Here are the cheats to help you skip the small talk:

  • modifyrelationship [FirstName LastName] [FirstName LastName] [-100 to 100] LTR_Friendship_Main: Sets the Friendship level between the two named Sims.
  • modifyrelationship [FirstName LastName] [FirstName LastName] [-100 to 100] LTR_Romance_Main: Sets the Romance level between two named Sims.
  • Modifyrelationship [FirstName LastName] [PetFirstName PetLastName] [-100 to 100] LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main: Sets the Friendship level between the named Sim and the named Pet. (Requires Cats & Dogs.)
  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others: Gives the active Sim an Acquaintance relationship with every other Sim in the save file. Can take a few moments to fully load in.
  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim: Spawns a random Sim with a +80 Friendship value towards the active Sim.

The Sims 4 aspiration and satisfaction cheats

A male Sim in a chef's uniform cooking something in a frying pan.

Life-long aspirations and short-term whims give Sims a sense of purpose and direction in their lives, and fulfilling them grants Satisfaction Points you can spend on bonuses. The cheats below can help speed up the process:

  • Aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Immediately auto-completes the active Sim's current Aspiration milestone.
  • sims.give_satisfaction_points [amount]: Adds the specified amount of Satisfaction Points to the active Sim.

The Sims 4 trait cheats

A group of Sims in The Sims 4 enjoy an outdoor music festival, with the focus on the excited crowd and vendors in the background.

Traits are what give Sims their individual personalities. In The Sims 4 there are hundreds of traits in various categories, but they all have one thing in common: you can equip them on your Sim using the following cheat formula:

traits.[equip/remove]_trait trait_[TraitName]

In the majority of cases, the cheat code name for a trait is just its in-game display name with no spaces. However, there are some exceptions, so please refer to the tables below for a full list of trait codes in The Sims 4.

Note: For Cause of Death traits and others that convey a supernatural creature status on a Sim, see the Occult Cheats section below.

You can also use the following cheat to instantly remove all Traits from the active Sim:


Sims 4 Personality & Bonus Trait (CAS Equippable) Cheats

Code Trait Name Trait Type Pack
Active Active Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Ambitious Ambitious Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
ArtLover Art Lover Personality - Hobby Trait Base game
Bookworm Bookworm Personality - Hobby Trait Base game
Bro Bro Personality - Social Trait Base game
Cheerful Cheerful Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Childish Childish Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Clumsy Clumsy Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Creative Creative Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Insane Erratic Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Evil Evil Personality - Social Trait Base game
FamilyOriented Family Oriented Personality - Social Trait Base game
Foodie Foodie Personality - Hobby Trait Base game
Geek Geek Personality - Hobby Trait Base game
Genius Genius Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Gloomy Gloomy Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Glutton Glutton Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Good Good Personality - Social Trait Base game
Goofball Goofball Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
HatesChildren Hates Children Personality - Social Trait Base game
HotHeaded Hot-Headed Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Jealous Jealous Personality - Social Trait Base game
Kleptomaniac Kleptomaniac Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Lazy Lazy Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Loner Loner Personality - Social Trait Base game
LovesOutdoors Loves Outdoors Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Materialistic Materialistic Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Mean Mean Personality - Social Trait Base game
MusicLover Music Lover Personality - Hobby Trait Base game
Neat Neat Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
CommitmentIssues Noncommittal Personality - Social Trait Base game
Outgoing Outgoing Personality - Social Trait Base game
Perfectionist Perfectionist Personality - Hobby Trait Base game
Romantic Romantic Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
SelfAssured Self-Assured Personality - Emotional Trait Base game
Slob Slob Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
Snob Snob Personality - Lifestyle Trait Base game
High_Metabolism High Metabolism Bonus Trait (Athletic Aspirations) Base game
Muser Muser Bonus Trait (Creativity Aspirations) Base game
Dastardly Dastardly Bonus Trait (Deviance Aspirations) Base game
FamilySim Domestic Bonus Trait (Family Aspirations) Base game
EssenceOfFlavor Essence of Flavor Bonus Trait (Food Aspirations) Base game
Business_Savvy Business Savvy Bonus Trait (Fortune Aspirations) Base game
Quick_Learner Quick Learner Bonus Trait (Knowledge Aspirations) Base game
Alluring Alluring Bonus Trait (Love Aspirations) Base game
Collector Collector Bonus Trait (Nature Aspirations) Base game
Gregarious Gregarious Bonus Trait (Popularity Aspirations) Base game
Toddler_Angelic Angelic Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Charmer Charmer Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Clingy Clingy Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Fussy Fussy Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Independent Independent Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Inquisitive Inquisitive Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Silly Silly Toddler Trait Base game
Toddler_Wild Wild Toddler Trait Base game
Squeamish Squeamish Personality - Lifestyle Trait Outdoor Retreat
DanceMachine Dance Machine Personality - Lifestyle Trait Get Together
Insider Insider Personality - Social Trait Get Together
Unflirty Unflirty Personality - Emotional Trait City Living
Vegetarian Vegetarian Personality - Lifestyle Trait City Living
HomeTurf Home Turf Bonus Trait (Location Aspirations)
  • City Living
  • StrangerVille
  • Island Living
  • Snowy Escape
  • Bust the Dust Kit
CatLover Cat Lover Personality - Lifestyle Trait Cats & Dogs
DogLover Dog Lover Personality - Lifestyle Trait Cats & Dogs
Animal_Affection Animal Affection Bonus Trait (Animal Aspirations) Cats & Dogs
SelfAbsorbed Self-Absorbed Personality - Social Trait Get Famous
Paranoid Paranoid Personality - Social Trait StrangerVille
IslandAncestors Child of the Islands Personality - Lifestyle Trait Island Living
ChildofTheOcean Child of the Ocean Personality - Lifestyle Trait Island Living
Freegan Freegan Personality - Lifestyle Trait Eco Lifestyle
GreenFiend Green Fiend Personality - Lifestyle Trait Eco Lifestyle
Maker Maker Personality - Hobby Trait Eco Lifestyle
RecycleDisciple Recycle Disciple Personality - Lifestyle Trait Eco Lifestyle
PreparedVoyager Prepared Voyager Bonus Trait (Star Wars Aspirations) Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
Adventurous Adventurous Personality - Lifestyle Trait Snowy Escape
Proper Proper Personality - Social Trait Snowy Escape
AnimalEnthusiast Animal Enthusiast Personality - Lifestyle Trait Cottage Living
LactoseIntolerant Lactose Intolerant Personality - Lifestyle Trait Cottage Living
trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait Lunar Confidant Bonus Trait (Werewolf Aspirations) Werewolves
trait_Overachiever Overachiever Personality - Lifestyle Trait High School Years
trait_PartyAnimal Party Animal Personality - Social Trait High School Years
trait_SociallyAwkward Socially Awkward Personality - Social Trait High School Years
trait_Relatable Relatable Bonus Trait (Teen Aspirations) High School Years

Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats

Code Trait Name Trait Type Pack
Longevity Long Lived Aspiration Reward (Bodybuilder) Base game
Kindness_Ambassador Kindness Ambassador Aspiration Reward (The Positivity Challenge) Base game (challenge discontinued but trait still accessible)
Expressionistic Expressionistic Aspiration Reward (Painter Extraordinaire) Base game
EpicPoet Poetic Aspiration Reward (Bestselling Author) Base game
Piper Piper Aspiration Reward (Musical Genius) Base game
Mastermind Mastermind Aspiration Reward (Public Enemy) Base game
Bane Tormentor Aspiration Reward (Chief of Mischief) Base game
LivingVicariously Vicarious Aspiration Reward (Successful Lineage) Base game
PaMatriarch Matriarch/Patriarch Aspiration Reward (Big Happy Family) Base game
FreshChef Fresh Chef Aspiration Reward (Master Chef) Base game
PotionMaster Potion Master Aspiration Reward (Master Mixologist) Base game
MeltMaster Melt Master Aspiration Reward (Grilled Cheese) Base game
Invested Shrewd Aspiration Reward (Fabulously Wealthy) Base game
ValuedCustomer Thrifty Aspiration Reward (Mansion Baron) Base game
TheKnack Handy Aspiration Reward (Nerd Brain) Base game
Chronicler Professorial Aspiration Reward (Renaissance Sim) Base game
Webmaster Webmaster Aspiration Reward (Computer Whiz) Base game
Player Player Aspiration Reward (Serial Romantic) Base game
EternalBond Companion Aspiration Reward (Soumate) Base game
OneWithNature Naturalist Aspiration Reward (Freelance Botanist) Base game
AnglersTranquility Angler's Tranquility Aspiration Reward (Angling Ace) Base game
Appraiser Appraiser Aspiration Reward (The Curator) Base game
Hilarious Hilarious Aspiration Reward (Joke Star) Base game
Legendary Beloved Aspiration Reward (Friend of the World) Base game
PerfectHost Perfect Host Aspiration Reward (Party Animal) Base game
AlwaysWelcome Always Welcome Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Antiseptic Antiseptic Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Beguiling Beguiling Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Brave Brave Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Carefree Carefree Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Connections Connections Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
CreativeVisionary Creative Visionary Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Fertile Fertile Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
ForeverFresh Forever Fresh Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
ForeverFull Forever Full Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
FreeServices Free Services Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Frugal Frugal Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
GreatKisser Great Kisser Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
GymRat Gym Rat Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
HardlyHungry Hardly Hungry Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Independent Independent Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Marketable Marketable Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Memorable Memorable Satisfaction Rewards Store (removed) Base game (removed from game but still accessible via cheats)
Mentor Mentor Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
MorningPerson Morning Sim Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
NeedsNoOne Needs No One Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
NeverWeary Never Weary Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
NightOwl Night Owl Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Observant Observant Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
ProfessionalSlacker Professional Slacker Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Savant Savant Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
SeldomSleepy Seldom Sleepy Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Shameless Shameless Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
Sincere Sincere Satisfaction Rewards Store (removed) Base game (removed from game but still accessible via cheats)
SpeedCleaner Speed Cleaner Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
SpeedReader Speed Reader Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
SteelBladder Steel Bladder Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
SuperGreenThumb Super Green Thumb Satisfaction Rewards Store Base game
CreativelyGifted Creatively Gifted Child Aspiration Reward (Artistic Prodigy) Base game
MentallyGifted Mentally Gifted Child Aspiration Reward (Whiz Kid) Base game
PhysicallyGifted Physically Gifted Child Aspiration Reward (Rambunctious Scamp) Base game
SociallyGifted Socially Gifted Child Aspiration Reward (Social Butterfly) Base game
Happy_Toddler Happy Toddler Toddler Skill Reward Base game
Top_Notch_Toddler Top Notch Toddler Toddler Skill Reward Base game
Survivalist Survivalist Aspiration Reward (Outdoor Enthusiast) Outdoor Retreat
GreatStoryteller Great Storyteller Satisfaction Rewards Store Outdoor Retreat
IncrediblyFriendly Incredibly Friendly Satisfaction Rewards Store Outdoor Retreat
StovesandGrillsMaster Stoves and Grills Master Satisfaction Rewards Store Outdoor Retreat
Sickness Sickness Resistance Career Reward (Doctor Lvl 8) Get to Work
ClubPresident Natural Leader Aspiration Reward (Leader of the Pack) Get Together
InTheKnow In The Know Aspiration Reward (City Native) City Living
hidden_career_critic_thrifty Critically Connected Career Reward (Critic Lvl 8) City Living
ChopstickSavvy Chopstick Savvy Gameplay Feat Reward (Chopstick Use) City Living / Snowy Escape
SpiceHound Spice Hound Gameplay Feat Reward (Eat Spicy Food) City Living
TheMaster I am the Master Aspiration Reward (Vampire Family) Vampires
TrueMaster A True Master Aspiration Reward (Master Vampire) Vampires
RegainedHumanity Regained Humanity Aspiration Reward (Good Vampire) Vampires
SuperParent_RoleModel Role Model Aspiration Reward (Super Parent) Parenthood
Argumentative Argumentative Character Value (child/teen maxed out negative Conflict Resolution) Parenthood
BadManners Bad Manners Character Value (child/teen maxed out negative Manners) Parenthood
Compassionate Compassionate Character Value (child/teen maxed out positive Empathy) Parenthood
EmotionalControl Emotional Control Character Value (child/teen maxed out positive Emotional Control) Parenthood
GoodManners Good Manners Character Value (child/teen maxed out positive Manners) Parenthood
LifeSkills_Unfeeling Insensitive Character Value (child/teen maxed out negative Empathy) Parenthood
Irresponsible Irresponsible Character Value (child/teen maxed out negative Responsibility) Parenthood
LifeSkills_Responsible Responsible Character Value (child/teen maxed out positive Responsibility) Parenthood
Mediator Mediator Character Value (child/teen maxed out positive Conflict Resolution) Parenthood
Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Character Value (child/teen maxed out negative Emotional Control) Parenthood
Animal_Whisperer Animal Whisperer Aspiration Reward (Friend of the Animals) Cats & Dogs
Archaeology Museum Patron Aspiration Reward (Archaeology Scholar) Jungle Adventure
JungleExplorer_TreasureHunter Treasure Hunter Aspiration Reward (Jungle Explorer) Jungle Adventure
ScoutingAptitude Scouting Aptitude Career Reward (Scout Lvl 5) Seasons
BurningMan Heat Proof Satisfaction Rewards Store Seasons
ColdAcclimation Cold Acclimation Satisfaction Rewards Store Seasons
HeatAcclimation Heat Acclimation Satisfaction Rewards Store Seasons
IceMan Ice Proof Satisfaction Rewards Store Seasons
StormChaser Storm Chaser Satisfaction Rewards Store Seasons
Waterproof Waterproof Satisfaction Rewards Store Seasons
WorldRenownedActor World Renowned Actor Aspiration Reward (Master Actor) Get Famous
UnstoppableFame Unstoppable Fame Aspiration Reward (World Famous Celebrity) Get Famous
HeroOfStrangerVille Hero of StrangerVille Aspiration Reward (StrangerVille Mystery) StrangerVille
Strangerville_Infected Infected Gameplay Feat Reward (Consume Fruit or Spores) StrangerVille
Strangerville_Vaccinated Vaccinated (hidden) Gameplay Feat Reward (Receive StrangerVille Vaccine) StrangerVille
beachbum_laidback Laid Back Aspiration Reward (Beach Life) Island Living
FriendOfTheSea Master of the Sea Career Reward (Conservationist - Marine Biologist Lvl 10) Island Living
NaturalSpeaker Natural Speaker Career Reward (Conservationist - Environmental Manager Lvl 10) Island Living
Knowledge_SlingerOfSpells Slinger of Spells Aspiration Reward (Spellcraft & Sorcery) Realm of Magic
Nature_MasterMixer Master Mixer Aspiration Reward (Purveyor of Potions) Realm of Magic
Cauldron_Potion_Immortality Immortal Gameplay Feat Reward (Drink Potion of Immortality) Realm of Magic
University_HigherEducation Higher Education Aspiration Reward (Academic) Discover University
SeasonedGamer Seasoned Gamer Career Reward (E-Sports Competitor Lvl 4) Discover University
trait_organizations_honorsociety_rank3 Mental Magister Secret Society Reward (Brainiacs Senior Member) Discover University
MasterMaker Master Maker Aspiration Reward (Master Maker) Eco Lifestyle
InfluentialIndividual Influential Individual Aspiration Reward (Eco Innovator) Eco Lifestyle
ChampionOfThePeople Champion of the People Career Reward (Civil Designer - Civic Planner Lvl 10) Eco Lifestyle
EcoEngineer Eco-Engineer Career Reward (Civil Designer - Green Technician Lvl 10) Eco Lifestyle
Fizzyhead Afizzionado Skill Reward (Juice Fizzing Lvl 5) Eco Lifestyle
SacredKnittingKnowledge Sacred Knitting Knowledge Aspiration Reward (Lord/Lady of the Knits) Nifty Knitting Stuff
HeroicPresence Heroic Presence Aspiration Reward (Paragon of Hope) Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
SleightOfHand Sleight of Hand Aspiration Reward (Galactic Privateer) Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
SupremeAuthority Supreme Authority Aspiration Reward (Enforcer of Order) Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
SurvivalInstinct Survival Instinct Aspiration Reward (Extreme Sports Enthusiast) Snowy Escape
WorldlyKnowledge Worldly Knowledge Aspiration Reward (Mt. Komorebi Sightseer) Snowy Escape
CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner Charismatic Crooner Career Reward (Salaryperson Lvl 4) Snowy Escape
CorporateWorker_LegendaryStamina Legendary Stamina Career Reward (Salaryperson Lvl 10) Snowy Escape
Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank1 Middling Mountaineer Gameplay Feat Reward (Mountain Climbing Excursion) Snowy Escape
Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank2 Capable Mountaineer Gameplay Feat Reward (Mountain Climbing Excursion) Snowy Escape
Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank3 Expert Mountaineer Gameplay Feat Reward (Mountain Climbing Excursion) Snowy Escape
Freelancer_Career_ ParanormalInvestigator_License Paranormal Investigator Satisfaction Rewards Store / Medium skill reward (Lvl 5) Paranormal Stuff
Nature_Country Nature Conversationalist Aspiration Reward (Country Caretaker) Cottage Living
trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf Fanged Friend Aspiration Reward (Werewolf Initiate) Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryContro Refined Lupine Aspiration Reward (Emissary of the Collective) Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning Chomp Champion Aspiration Reward (Wildfang Renegade) Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear Threatening Presence Aspiration Reward (Lone Wolf) Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan Werewolf Ally Aspiration Reward (Cure Seeker) Werewolves
trait_Dauntless Dauntless Aspiration Reward (Live Fast) High School Years
trait_Highflier Highflier Aspiration Reward (Goal Oriented) High School Years
trait_Iconic Iconic Aspiration Reward (Admired Icon) High School Years
trait_Untroubled Untroubled Aspiration Reward (Drama Llama) High School Years
trait_reward_hsteam_cheerteam Cheer Champion Career Reward (Cheer Team Lvl 3) High School Years
trait_reward_hsteam_chessteam Chess Master Career Reward (Chess Team Lvl 3) High School Years
trait_reward_hsteam_computerteam L33T Hacker Career Reward (Computer Team Lvl 3) High School Years
trait_reward_hsteam_footballteam Star Player Career Reward (Football Team Lvl 3) High School Years
trait_Entrepreneur_TheKnowledge The Knowledge Skill Reward (Entrepreneur Lvl 5) High School Years
trait_TeenPranks_Prankster Authentic Prankster Gameplay Feat Reward (reach Lvl 10 Mischief Skill during the Teen life stage) High School Years

The Sims 4 career and school cheats

Sims will have trouble if their kids don't attend school now and again — though work for adults is, technically, completely optional (see Money cheats, above). But it doesn't have to be a matter of hard graft, thanks to the cheats below:

  • careers.[add/remove]_career [career]: Instantly join or quit the named career.
  • careers.promote [career]: Advances the Sim to the next level in the named career, school grade, or after school activity; or adds one Odd Jobs star rating.
  • careers.demote [career]: Demotes the Sim to the previous level in the named career, school grade, or after school activity; or removes one Odd Jobs star rating.
  • careers.retire [career]: Instantly retire from the named career.
  • Sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas: Allows you to edit the active Sim's career outfit in Create-A-Sim.
Code Career Name Packs
Astronaut Astronaut Base game
Athletic Athletic Base game
Business Business Base game
Criminal Criminal Base game
Culinary Culinary Base game
Entertainer Entertainer Base game
Painter Painter Base game
SecretAgent Secret Agent Base game
Influencer Style Influencer Base game
TechGuru Tech Guru Base game
adult_Writer Writer Base game
adult_freelancer_artist Freelancer - Digital Artist Base game
adult_freelancer_agency_programmer Freelancer - Programmer Base game
adult_freelancer_agency_writer Freelancer - Writer Base game
PartTime_Babysitter Part-Time - Babysitter Base game
PartTime_Barista Part-Time - Barista Base game
PartTime_FastFood Part-Time - Fast Food Employee Base game
PartTime_Manual Part-Time - Manual Laborer Base game
PartTime_Retail Part-Time - Retail Employee Base game
Teen_Babysitter Part-Time - Babysitter (Teen only) Base game
Teen_Barista Part-Time - Barista (Teen only) Base game
Teen_FastFood Part-Time - Fast Food Employee (Teen only) Base game
Teen_Manual Part-Time - Manual Laborer (Teen only) Base game
Teen_Retail Part-Time - Retail Employee (Teen only) Base game
Highschool High School (Teen only) Base game
Gradeschool Grade School (Child only) Base game
Detective Detective Get to Work
Doctor Doctor Get to Work
adult_active_Scientist Scientist Get to Work
careers_adult_Critic Critic City Living
Activist Politician City Living
SocialMedia Social Media City Living
Adult_Gardener Gardener Seasons
Scout Afterschool Activity - Scout (Child and Teen only) Seasons
Actor Actor Get Famous
DramaClub Afterschool Activity - Drama Club (Child and Teen only) Get Famous
Military Military StrangerVille
Conservationist Conservationist Island Living
PartTime_Diver Part-Time - Diver Island Living
PartTime_Fisherman Part-Time - Fisherman Island Living
PartTime_Lifeguard Part-Time - Lifeguard Island Living
Teen_Lifeguard Part-Time - Lifeguard (Teen only) Island Living
OddJob Odd Jobs Island Living
Fashion_Photographer Freelancer - Fashion Photographer Moschino Stuff
careers_Adult_Education Education Discover University
careers_Adult_Engineer Engineer Discover University
careers_Adult_Law Law Discover University
career_Volunteer_E-Sports Afterschool Activity - E-Sports Competitor (university students only) Discover University
careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeam Afterschool Activity - Soccer Team (university students only) Discover University
careers_Adult_CivilDesigner Civil Designer Eco Lifestyle
careers_adult_freelancer_agency_maker Freelancer - Crafter Eco Lifestyle
CorporateWorker Salaryperson Snowy Escape
Paranormalinvestigator Freelancer - Paranormal Investigator Paranormal Stuff
deco Interior Decorator Dream Home Decorator
careers_Adult_PartTime_SimsfluencerSideHustle Part-Time - Simfluencer High School Years
careers_Adult_PartTime_StreamerSideHustle Part-Time - Streamer High School Years
career_Teen_SimsfluencerSideHustle Part-Time - Simfluencer (Teen only) High School Years
career_Teen_StreamerSideHustle Part-Time - Streamer (Teen only) High School Years
careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam Afterschool Activity - Cheer Team (Teen only) High School Years
careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ChessTeam Afterschool Activity - Chess Team (Teen only) High School Years
careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ComputerTeam Afterschool Activity - Computer Team (Teen only) High School Years
careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_FootballTeam Afterschool Activity - Football Team (Teen only) High School Years

The Sims 4 skill cheats

A group of Sims sitting in a living room knitting. One Sim is swathed in knitwear to the point of struggling to move.

Sims can practice a wide variety of skills to help advance them through their careers, fulfil their aspirations, and generally make day-to-day life easier and more rewarding. You can use the following cheat to set a Sim's proficiency level in any skill:

stats.set_skill_level [skill] [value]
Code Possible # Values Skill Name Pack
Major_Charisma 1-10 Charisma Base game
Major_Comedy 1-10 Comedy Base game
Major_HomestyleCooking 1-10 Cooking Base game
Major_Fishing 1-10 Fishing Base game
Skill_Fitness 1-10 Fitness Base game
Major_Gardening 1-10 Gardening Base game
Major_GourmetCooking 1-10 Gourmet Cooking Base game
Major_Guitar 1-10 Guitar Base game
Major_Handiness 1-10 Handiness Base game
Major_Logic 1-10 Logic Base game
Major_Mischief 1-10 Mischief Base game
Major_Bartending 1-10 Mixology Base game
Major_Painting 1-10 Painting Base game
Major_Piano 1-10 Piano Base game
Major_Photography 1-5 Photography Base game (formerly required Get to Work)
Major_Programming 1-10 Programming Base game
Major_RocketScience 1-10 Rocket Science Base game
Major_VideoGaming 1-10 Video Gaming Base game
Major_Violin 1-10 Violin Base game
Major_Writing 1-10 Writing Base game
Skill_Child_Creativity 1-10 Creativity (Child only) Base game
Skill_Child_Mental 1-10 Mental (Child only) Base game
Skill_Child_Motor 1-10 Motor (Child only) Base game
Skill_Child_Social 1-10 Social (Child only) Base game
Skill_Toddler_Communication 1-5 Communication (Toddler only) Base game
Skill_Toddler_Imagination 1-5 Imagination (Toddler only) Base game
Skill_Toddler_Movement 1-5 Movement (Toddler only) Base game
Skill_Toddler_Potty 1-3 Potty (Toddler only) Base game
Skill_Toddler_Thinking 1-5 Thinking (Toddler only) Base game
Major_Herbalism 1-10 Herbalism Outdoor Retreat
Major_Baking 1-10 Baking Get to Work
retail_maintenance 1-5 Maintenance (hidden skill) Get to Work
retail_sales 1-5 Sales (hidden skill) Get to Work
retail_workethic 1-5 Work Ethic (hidden skill) Get to Work
Major_Wellness 1-10 Wellness Spa Day
Minor_Dancing 1-5 Dancing Get Together
Major_DJ 1-10 DJ Mixing Get Together
Major_Singing 1-10 Singing City Living
Major_PipeOrgan 1-10 Pipe Organ Vampires
VampireLore 1-15 Vampire Lore Vampires
Skill_Bowling 1-5 Bowling Bowling Night Stuff
Major_Parenting 1-10 Parenting Parenthood
skill_Dog 1-5 Pet Training Cats & Dogs
Major_Vet 1-10 Veterinarian Cats & Dogs
Major_Archaeology 1-10 Archaeology Jungle Adventure
Minor_LocalCulture 1-5 Selvadoran Culture Jungle Adventure
statistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging 1-10 Flower Arranging Seasons
Hidden_Skating 1-5 Skating (hidden skill) Seasons
Major_Acting 1-10 Acting Get Famous
Minor_Media 1-5 Media Production Get Famous
Major_ResearchDebate 1-10 Research & Debate Discover University
Major_Robotics 1-10 Robotics Discover University
AdultMajor_Fabrication 1-10 Fabrication Eco Lifestyle
AdultMinor_JuiceFizzing 1-15 Juice Fizzing Eco Lifestyle
AdultMajor_Knitting 1-10 Knitting (Child and older) Nifty Knitting Stuff
Major_RockClimbing 1-10 Rock Climbing Snowy Escape / Fitness Stuff (hidden)
Major_Skiing 1-10 Skiing Snowy Escape
Major_Snowboarding 1-10 Snowboarding Snowy Escape
Minor_Medium 1-5 Medium Paranormal Stuff
Skill_CrossStitch 1-5 Cross-Stitch Cottage Living
adultminor_entrepreneur 1-5 Entrepreneur High School Years

The Sims 4 life and death cheats

A scared homeowner learns about their haunted house from one of the friendlier ghosts who occupies the place, in The Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff.

Sims are designed to age and die, but you can customise their lifespans in the gameplay options menu (including turning ageing off altogether). To really exercise power over life and death, however, you can use the following cheats:

  • death.toggle [true/false]: Completely disables all death types (including those that are not disabled when you turn ageing off).
  • sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester1: Sets an existing pregnancy to the first trimester.
  • sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester2: Sets an existing pregnancy to the second trimester.
  • sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester3: Sets an existing pregnancy to the third trimester.
  • sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_InLabor: Sends a pregnant Sim into labour.
  • sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified: Puts Sim in imminent danger of death by embarrassment.
  • sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving: Puts Sim in imminent danger of death by starvation
  • sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning: Puts Sim in imminent danger of death by electrocution.
  • sims.add_buff buff_Hysterical: Puts Sim in imminent danger of death by hysterical laughter.
  • sims.add_buff buff_Enraged: Puts Sim in imminent danger of death from anger.
  • sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning: Puts Sim in imminent danger of death from overexertion.

For ways to insta-kill your Sims, see the Occult Cheats section below, which details how to equip a Cause of Death trait (resulting in instant death and a playable ghost Sim).

The Sims 4 occult cheats

Four werewolves in Beast Form in The Sims 4: Werewolves. One transforms while two are arguing, and the werewolf in the foreground pounces at the camera.

Sims can take on occult status through gameplay, and with certain DLC you can create occult Sims in CAS. However, if you want to skip straight to the good part, these cheats will confer supernatural status on the active Sim right away:

  • traits.[equip/remove]_trait [CreatureType]: Permanently adds or removes the named occult type status from the active Sim.
  • sims.[add/remove]_buff Ghostly: Adds or removes a temporary Ghost occult status to the active Sim. Buff lasts four in-game hours and does not add a cause of death trait to the Sim.
  • sims.[add/remove]_buff buff_PlantSims_MainBuff_Visible: Adds or removes the temporary PlantSim occult status to the active Sim. Buff lasts five in-game days. (Formerly required Cool Kitchen Stuff, but now available in base game.)
  • stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160: Sim begins to transition into a vampire. Full transformation after around 36 in-game hours. (Requires Vampires.)
  • sims.[add/remove]_buff Buff_Skeleton: Adds or removes the temporary Skeleton occult status to the active Sim. Buff lasts 12 in-game hours. (Requires Jungle Adventure.)
  • sims.[add/remove]_buff buff_HauntedHouse_Visible_BonehildaForm: Adds or removes the temporary Bonehilda occult status to the active Sim. Buff lasts four in-game hours. (Requires Paranormal Stuff.)

Occult XP Increase Cheats

You can track the occult talent progress of Vampires (from Vampires) and Spellcasters (from Realm of Magic) in their Simology tab. To artificially increase or decrease their respective XP points, use the cheats below:

  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP [0-202]: Vampire Sim becomes a Minor Vampire. (Requires Vampires.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP [203-630]: Vampire Sim becomes a Prime Vampire. (Requires Vampires.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP [631-1058]: Vampire Sim becomes a Master Vampire. (Requires Vampires.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP [1059-1486]: Vampire Sim becomes a Grand Master Vampire. (Requires Vampires.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP [1487-1593]: Increases a Grand Master Vampire's rank bar. Top value maxes the Vampire rank bar and grants two Vampire Power Points. (Requires Vampires.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [0-50]: Spellcaster Sim gains the Neophyte Rank. (Requires Realm of Magic.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [51-350]: Spellcaster Sim gains the Acolyte Rank. (Requires Realm of Magic.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [351-850]: Spellcaster Sim gains the Adept Rank. (Requires Realm of Magic.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [851-1550]: Spellcaster Sim gains Master Spellcaster Rank. (Requires Realm of Magic.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [1551-2350]: Spellcaster Sim gains Virtuoso Spellcaster Rank. (Requires Realm of Magic.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP [2351-2850]: Increases a Virtuoso Spellcaster's XP bar. Top value maxes the bar and grants zero to two Talent Points (depending on Bloodline Strength trait).
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [0-199]: Werewolf Sim gains the given amount of XP. (Requires Werewolves.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [200-699]: Werewolf Sim gains the given amount of XP and reaches the Runt rank. (Requires Werewolves.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [700-1599]: Werewolf Sim gains gains the given amount of XP and reaches the Prime rank. (Requires Werewolves.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [1600-2999]: Werewolf Sim gains gains the given amount of XP and reaches the Veteran rank. (Requires Werewolves.)
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression 3000: Werewolf Sim gains gains the given amount of XP and reaches the Apex rank. (Requires Werewolves.)
Creature Code Occult Type (Trait) Pack Notes
anger Ghost (Death by Anger) Base game
cowplant Ghost (Death by Cowplant) Base game
drown Ghost (Death by Drowning) Base game
electrocution Ghost (Death by Electrocution) Base game
embarrassment Ghost (Death by Embarrassment) Base game
fire Ghost (Death by Fire) Base game
hunger Ghost (Death by Hunger) Base game
laugh Ghost (Death by Laughter) Base game
exhaust Ghost (Death by Overexertion) Base game
oldage Ghost (Death by Old Age) Base game
steam Ghost (Death by Steam) Spa Day
Vampire_Sun Ghost (Vampire Death by Sunlight) Vampires
poison Ghost (Death by Poison) Jungle Adventure
Ghost_Frozen Ghost (Death by Freezing) Seasons
Ghost_Lightning Ghost (Death by Lightning) Seasons
Ghost_Overheat Ghost (Death by Overheating) Seasons
Ghost_WitchOverload Ghost (Death by Spellcaster Overload) Realm of Magic
trait_Ghost_MurphyBed Ghost (Death By Being Crushed By a Murphy Bed) Tiny Living Stuff
trait_Ghost_Beetle Ghost (Death by Beetles) Eco Lifestyle
trait_Ghost_Flies Ghost (Death By Being Swarmed By Flies) Eco Lifestyle
trait_Ghost_ClimbingRoute Ghost (Death by Falling from Heights) Snowy Escape
trait_Ghost_VendingMachine Ghost (Death by Vending Machine) Snowy Escape
Ghost_OldAge [PetID] Ghost Pet (Death by Old Age) Cats & Dogs Can only be applied to a cat or dog. Pet ID is required because pets cannot be the active character.
trait_OccultAlien Alien Get to Work
trait_OccultVampire Vampire Vampires
trait_OccultMermaid Mermaid Island Living
trait_Occult_WitchOccult Spellcaster Realm of Magic
trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak Spellcaster (2nd generation) Realm of Magic
trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong Spellcaster (3rd generation) Realm of Magic
trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient Spellcaster (4th generation or higher) Realm of Magic
trait_MagicSage_Mischief Spellcaster - Sage of Mischief Magic Realm of Magic Inaccessible by playable Sims in ordinary gameplay.
trait_MagicSage_Practical Spellcaster - Sage of Practical Magic Realm of Magic Inaccessible by playable Sims in ordinary gameplay.
trait_MagicSage_Untamed Spellcaster - Sage of Untamed Magic Realm of Magic Inaccessible by playable Sims in ordinary gameplay.
trait_Humanoid_Robots_MainTrait Servo Discover University
trait_occultwerewolf Werewolf Werewolves
trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA Werewolf - Friend of the Moonwood Collective Werewolves
trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB Werewolf - Friend of the Wildfangs Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood Werewolf - Greater Wolf Blood (2nd generation) Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf Werewolf - Dormant Wolf (3rd generation or higher) Werewolves
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_AntiCapitalistCanine Werewolf - Anti-Capitalist Canine Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_BigBadWolf Werewolf - BigBadWolf Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Carnivore Werewolf - Carnivore Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_EasyExcitable Werewolf - Easily Excitable Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_FeelsOutcasted Werewolf - Feels Outcasted Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Frisky Werewolf - Frisky Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_GrumpyWolf Werewolf - Grumpy Wolf Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HatesBeingWet Werewolf - Hates Being Wet Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HungryLikeTheWolf Werewolf - Hungry Like The Wolf Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_ForestMark Werewolf - Mark of the Forest Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_HuntMark Werewolf - Mark of the Hunt Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_NightMark Werewolf - Mark of the Night Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_WolfMark Werewolf - Mark of the Wolf Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_MustBeClean Werewolf - Must Be Clean Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_NightWolf Werewolf - Night Wolf Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Prideful Werewolf - Prideful Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_RestlessAnimal Werewolf - Restless Animal Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SensitiveHearing Werewolf - Sensitive Hearing Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SurvivalInstincts Werewolf - Survival Instincts Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Territorial Werewolf - Territorial Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WolfBrain Werewolf - Wolf Brain Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WrackedWithGuilt Werewolf - Wracked With Guilt Werewolves Grants or removes Werewolf Temperament

The Sims 4 debug cheats

A Sim vacuuming up dust bunnies in The Sims 4.
Image credit: EA

While the other sections in this guide cover cheat codes that you enter into the command console, there are other cheats in The Sims 4. With testing cheats enabled, shift+click on a Sim or object to reveal a host of previously-hidden debug options for you to play with.

Just like with buff cheats, there are far too many of these to list comprehensively here — not to mention the fact that some of them don't actually do much for you anyway. So instead, I've put together a list of the most useful ones:

  • Add to Family: Shift+click on an NPC to instantly add them to your active household. Alternatively, Remove from Family instantly turns a member of the playable household into an NPC.
  • Buy Animal Clothing: Shift+click on a farm animal or wild animal to choose a specific item of animal clothing to buy. (Requires Cottage Living.)
  • Cheat Eco Lifestyle NPC Role Behavior: Shift+click on any Sim to add or remove one of the Eco Lifestyle hidden NPC traits: Eco Master, Entrepreneur, or Master Crafter. (Requires Eco Lifestyle.)
  • Cheat Relationship > Set Max Friendship: Shift+click on any farm animal or wild animal to maximise their friendship level with the active Sim. (Requires Cottage Living.)
  • Cheat Need > Make Happy: Shift+click on any Sim to max out all their needs and give them a Happy buff.
  • Cheat Need > [Enable/Disable] Need Decay: Shift+click on any Sim to toggle need stasis.
  • Cheat Sim Info > [Add/Remove] Lifestyle: Shift+click on any Sim to select their Lifestyles. (Requires Snowy Escape.)
  • Get all Animal Clothes: Shift+click on a farm animal or wild animal to get all items of animal clothing. (Requires Cottage Living.)
  • Give Bucks > [Recycle Bits/Recycle Pieces]: Shift+click on a Sim in the active household and add 500 of the named currency to the household funds. (Requires Eco Lifestyle.)
  • Instantly [Repeal/Enact] NAP: Shift+click on the mailbox to instantly repeal or enact a Neighborhood Action Plan for the current neighbourhood. (Requires Eco Lifestyle.)
  • Make Clean: Shift+click on a dirty object to instantly clean it. Alternatively, click on a clean object for the option to Make Dirty.
  • Make into Plant Sim: Shift+click on any Sim to turn them into a PlantSim (see Occult Cheats, above, for an alternative method).
  • Marriage > Clear Marriages: Shift+click on any Sim to clear and reset their marital status to single. Romantic relationship values remain the same.
  • Modify in CAS: Shift+click on a Sim in the active household to open up Create-A-Sim and edit the household. Note that you need to have cas.fulleditmode enabled as well to take full advantage of all CAS features. (See Basic cheats, above.)
  • Public Image: Shift+click on any Sim for a menu of options allowing you to increase/decrease their Celebrity Level, set their Reputation, and add/remove Fame Quirks. (Requires Get Famous.)
  • Reset Object: Shift+click on any object to reset it to its default status and unstick any Sim interacting with it.
  • Set As Head: Shift+click on any object to set it as the active Sim's head.
  • Teleport Here: Shift+click on the ground where you'd like the active Sim to teleport.
  • University debug > Enrol in University: Shift+click on any Sim to instantly enrol them in university. (Requires Discover University.)
  • Shift+C: With a roof selected, hold Shift+C to add more options for roof manipulation.
  • Shift+[ and Shift+]: While holding an object in Build Mode, shift+[ or shift+] to resize the object.

And there you have it! Every single Sims 4 cheat at your fingertips. Whether your intention is to create a paradise for your Sims or a hellish life of suffering and torment (again, to each their own), you can now do exactly that.

For more on how to get the most out of The Sims 4, check out our comprehensive buyer's guide to The Sims 4 DLC.

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