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'Single-Player Co-op' Puzzler Reset's Trailer Is Amazing

Wow. Reset's premise time-shifting, self-assisting premise sounded incredibly promising when we first heard about it, but the first-person puzzler's debut trailer very nearly left me speechless. That doesn't happen very often. I like to speech! In short, though, it's two-man indie impossibility with looks that seem primed to tackle triple-A games, tear them limb-from-meticulously-rendered-limb, and fashion their extraneous As into a tasteful necklace. A sitting, evidently inactive robot and somber piano music are heavily featured. It's pretty wild, especially considering that Theory promises "everything you see in the trailer is straight from the in-game engine, no up-ressed textures, geometry or effects. What you see is what you will get. Except hopefully a little bit better since we’re not even in alpha yet." That sounds like a challenge, every other developer on Earth.

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So yeah, you may now return your dangling jaw to a full upright position. Granted, I'm still not entirely convinced. This bit, especially, stands out: "This is however a big milestone for us, and we are going to be concentrating more on the gameplay side of things next." So this is, in all likelihood, sans elements like AI or even basic interactions between characters and the world. There is, in other words, a big gulf between making a trailer with such retina-searing visuals and getting a game to the same place. I'd be lying, however, if I said I wasn't incredibly intrigued by this one, so here's hoping it delivers on the ridiculous promise it's already displaying.

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