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Space Marine On PC, Oh Please Oh Please

Online petitions! I love the way they don't ever change anything. But still, let's give it a shot. There's an online effort to convince THQ/Relic to release their upcoming Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine shooter on PC as well as on console. It makes sense, given I'd guesstimate there's a bit more commonality between PC gamers and Games Workshop players than between console gamers and the latter, but then that is an entirely baseless sweeping generalisation.

And, as it turns out, Relic aren't dismissing the idea of a PC version out of hand.

Bit-tech tapped 'em up about it, and the Dawn of War devs proferred this: "we're always looking at feedback on forums and know there are lots of people who are interested in a PC version. If we continue to see a strong desire for a PC version of Space Marine, who knows what might happen." There was an exclamation mark at the end of that, but I took it out because I hate joy. "Who knows" is better than a "no" - so go sign, just in case.

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