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Spotlight On Biscuit - Frozen Synapse

I think the singular of synapse should be synap. What do you think? Ah, Saturday is no kind of day to be worrying about those things. This week's Spotlight On Biscuit sees PC gaming celebutante Total Biscuit talking us through indie tactics sensation Frozen Synapse. It's been released, you know! 55 mission single player campaign, comprehensive multiplayer, the whole bit. Meanwhile, I've been thinking (and eating) my favourite biscuit of all time. What could it be?

It's the oatmeal raisin cookie.

I know what you're thinking: "That's a cookie, not a biscuit." And here's what I'm thinking: "Shut up, shut up, shut up." In-depth discussions of what constitutes a biscuit or a cookie belong in the halls of first year university students, not in the comments of the UK's finest gaming journalism outlet.

The oatmeal raisin cookie is perfect. No, it is. That soft texture with the occasional crunch? The flavours like you're eating something healthy? The sheer size of the thing? Top marks. Ten out of ten. If the oatmeal raisin cookie was a game, it would get a Metacritic score in the 90s and it would not have DLC because HOW COULD YOU ADD TO IT? You couldn't. Editor's choice award.

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