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Super Meat Boy + Minecraft + VVVVVV

It's been sad, watching consoleland getting so excited/frustrated about Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refene's breakout indie hit Super Meat Boy these past few weeks. It should be ouuuuuuuurs. [Stamps feet petulantly]. Fortunately, the PC version is still planned for sometime this month (the target is the last week of Nov) - complete with some bonus famous faces. Well, they're more or less faces, if you squint a bit.

Two of the PC version's six exclusive playable characters will be Mr Minecraft, as publicly arranged on Twitter with Notch (as shown above), and VVVVVV's Captain Viridian (as shown below). There are four more mystery chaps yet to come. Perhaps you'd like to take a guess.

There are a whole bunch of other indie icons in both versoins of the game, with a few sadly exclusive to XBOX, and Team Meat swearing they'll never cross over. Here's a slightly noisy bluffer's guide to their origins. Note this doesn't include the mystery characters, just the already known ones:

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Also only included in the PC version is a level editor, which the devs have claimed should make up for this edition lacking some of the bonus content on 360. "You will be able to make EVERYTHING you see ingame with the pc editor minus bosses", quoth Team Meat. Oh, and there'll be 30 Steam achievements too.

There's also a soundtrack available, if you're already familiar with (and presumably enamoured of) the game.

Hurry up, basically: I suspect this'll prove a mega-hit on PC, as it did on 360. I also suspect I'll be rubbish at it. Won't stop me from trying.

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