Lost In Space: Five Minutes Of Tacoma Blast Off
Next game from the Gone Home lot
Given The Fullbright Company's background with 0451 games (its founders were behind BioShock 2's DLC chapter Minerva's Den), their next game going into space makes me a little uneasy. Watching five minutes of gameplay from the Gone Home folks' spaceborne second game, Tacoma [official site], part of me is on edge waiting to hear a System Shock 2 protocol droid mutter "This place is a terrible mess" or hear a midwife's eerie call of "I'll tear out your spine."
That doesn't come, or at least not in this video. Or as far as I can tell, anyway, as two folks from Game Informer are gabbing over the top of it.
They do explain bits of how Tacoma works, at least, like the space station's person-tracking tech which turns audiologs into visiologs, letting you cruedly recreate people and conversations and see what they get up. Looks like that'll be used for puzzling as well as storytelling. Seeing as what should be a bustling lunar transfer hub is deserted, there are probably a few mysteries to solve.
Tacoma is coming to Windows, Mac, and Linux in 2016.
[Disclosure: I'm pally with several members of Fullbright. We've had afternoon tea, drank beer out a glass boot, tormented a plastic bulldog, and visisted M&M's World. Never go to M&M's World.]