Tactical Wizarding Action In Dragon Age: Inquisition
Sadly not tacticool wizards, but I have faith we'll get there one day
I hadn't noticed until now, but the vast majority of the footage we've had of Dragon Age: Inquisition hasn't featured combat in the way it will be played. Everyone will use the over-the-shoulder camera for, oh, 24 seconds or so then never again. Far more useful is the free-roaming tactical view that pauses time, giving you a moment for a sip of tea and a good think. Perhaps you'd like to target your fireball over here, sir? Or bash this ingrate's head in with a warhammer, ma'am? Bioware, continuing a trend of blitzing us with trailers at Ubisoft pace, show it off below.
As someone currently three-mage-one-Shaleing his way through Dragon Age: Origins, I'd be mighty dead without this. I spend most of my time targeting AoEs so massive and damaging that careful placement is vital but it's great for microing individuals and prioritising targets too. It's infinitely better than the various squad-command elements present in shooters and I rather hope it gets ported over to Bioware's other heavy hitter, Mass Effect.
Gosh, Inquisition is pretty. Dragon Age as a universe is plenty grim but still gives us a light show when it wants to. I doubt I'll be doing as many cinematic pans around my characters as above, but I appreciate a good looking explosion as much as the next boy who refuses to grow up. After the recent slip you'll be waiting until November 21st to have a go. In the mean time, here's Nathan (RIP) giving his thoughts on the E3 demo and chatting with producer Cameron Lee.