Take me down to Off-Peak City, where the canal is clean and the pizza's pithy
Oh won't you please take me home
Yes, the next game from Cosmo D looks just as surreal and musical as Off-Peak and The Norwood Suite. Today he formally announced the first volume of Tales From Off-Peak City, a series of stories set on the same city block in his wonderful world. I am particularly taken with a city canal apparently being clean enough to swim in. If Cosmo D's games weren't already set in the sort of dreamy spaces my mind idly wanders to, that would seal it. That and the pizza. Here, watch the trailer.
Lovely, that. Cosmo D half-announced the game in August then seemed surprised anyone noticed, following-up today with a trailer. Mate, of course I'm watching.
In case the plot weren't clear from the trailer, Cosmo explains:
"It's a hazy Sunday morning on the corner of July Avenue and Yam Street. Caetano Grosso, a former saxophone player and longtime pizza-maker, is just getting his pizza oven warmed up. Orders are trickling in, and he needs someone to help with the deliveries. You sense an opportunity, but unbeknownst to him, what you’re really after is his old saxophone, and you're going to get it one way or another. Your pursuit will set off a chain of events across the neighborhood, taking you deep into the hidden worlds and private lives of the people living there."
Pizza, crime, music, exploration, I'm there. Read me gushing about Off-Peak and Norwood Suite too for why. The first one, Off-Peak, is still free on Steam and Itch so you can see for yourself.
Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1 is due in 2020 by the end of March. Its Steam page is already up. Tales is planned as an anthology series, returning to the intersection of July Avenue and Yam Street with each game, though they're standalone stories in themselves.