Dystopian Pointy Clicks: Wadjet Announce Technobabylon
Conspiracy is afoot
I've played enough games where handing control of our lives to an omnipresent AI leads to a horrible dystopia to know that, when one is inevitably created, I really shouldn't sign up. I will, of course. It'll sound exciting, I'll be curious, it'll have some lousy invitation system to ensure everyone's always talking about it, and I'll cave to peer pressure. Fifty years later, the world will be horrible and I'll end up in a terrible pickle like someone in Technobabylon, the next adventure game due to be published by the sharp Wadjet Eye Games.
Technobabylon is set in 2087, in a city run by an AI where we can drown our woes in virtual worlds and a secret police keep order. They rarely indicate happy times, secret police. Two of those coppers and an agoraphobic who tries real hard to live in cyberspace end up tangled in conspiracy, and boom there you go your video game is off. You don't need me to summarise everything for you. Go read the game's site.
Creator James Dearden of Technocrat Games planned to release Technobabylon for free in eight episodes, but with three out, he's now joined up with Wadjet to go commercial. This new version will bring voice acting, new art, tweaks to the story and gameplay, and will of course finish the story up. Dearden has pulled downloads of the original free episodes of course, but perhaps you, dear reader, played it before and might tell us all a little more about it?
Technobabylon's due this spring. For now, have a trailer: