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Telekinetic President: Saints Row IV Footage

If a trailer starts off with a West Wing inspired walk and talk, and ends with the American President telekinetically throwing a cosplayer through a neon sign, then by any standards it is a good trailer. This ten minute look at Saint's Row IV has that going for it, though there's a chunk of it set during an alien invasion at the White House that could probably have been cut. I know, it sets the scene of the giant alien lizard things arrival on Earth, but who cares about story and setting in an open-world game of presidential punk pummeling? I came for the superpowers.

Those are the real reasons that SRIV might be worth taking a look at. The expansion pack turned full sequel takes a lot of liberties with the laws of nature, and borrowed heavily from Prototype and Crackdown. The president has super speed, super strength, and a pile of other powers that turn the alien invasion into a violent farce. This is, of course, a Good Thing, and makes the most of the Steelport's size, allowing you to run up buildings while glowing with the power of American patriotism, and leaping off fist first to deliver first amendment rights TO THE FACE.

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It's out on August 23rd.

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