The Banner Saga 3 flies on July 24th
End of the trilogy
Stoic's Viking-y RPG trilogy will conclude with The Banner Saga 3 on July 24th, publishers Versus Evil have announced. The strategy RPG trek has seen tough battles and difficult decisions so far, but the worst is surely yet to come. Our boy Brendy recently talked to Stoic and will have more to tell you about the game later today. For now, coo, look, a release date. This is months ahead of the Kickstarter's worst-case prediction of December 2018, so good on 'em.
"Banner Saga 3 represents the feeling of closure but also immense accomplishment to a trilogy that has been at the very fabric of our lives for many years," technical director John Watson said in the announcement. "We're ever thankful to the fans and backers that have shared this epic journey with us and helped us deliver what we feel is a fitting end to our Viking adventure."
Consider this plenty of warning to dig up your save files from Banner Saga 2 (or to finish it?), as your personal journey will carry over into the third.
If you've not played the series at all, here, have an encouraging quote from our Banner Saga 2 review:
"There are moments where, as I watch the drama unfold in the dialogue and cutscenes, I almost forget I'm playing a game that came out in this decade. There's an evocative sense of timelessness about the story and world that few RPGs create. And now that the combat has become a strength and not a weakness, immersing myself in the richness of The Banner Saga's dying world is almost as enchanting as cracking open the weathered pages of my favorite fantasy novels."
The Banner Saga 3 is coming to Windows and Mac on July 24th via Steam and GOG, priced at £18.74/€24.99/$24.99.