the best League of Explorers decks
The very best decks to emerge from the new Adventure so far.
Unless you've been living under a very large rock for the last month or so, you'll be aware that a steady drip of new decks is starting to hit the metagame, thanks to the arrival of Hearthstone's League of Explorers Adventure. We've had two weeks of content drops so far, and there'll be a quick pause for Thanksgiving this week before the penultimate wing arrives next week.
We've already seen some very interesting developments, thanks largely to the arrival of Reno Jackson's ridiculously powerful healing abilities, and we'll no doubt see plenty more disruption to the game over the next month or so. It certainly feels like League of Explorers has the potential to shake up the metagame more than the previous two Adventures could even hope to achieve.
We'll be keeping this round-up of the very best League of Explorers decks updated in the coming weeks, but we're not being too rash and stuffing in every last flash in the pan here, just because a big streamer tried it out for a few hours. Instead, we're going to focus on those decks that have already proven themselves to be worthy of serious competitive consideration.
In time, these emerging decks will no doubt filter their way through into our general round-up of the best Hearthstone decks, but for now we'll separate them into this article, so you can keep track of the latest and greatest LoE decks as they emerge.
Let us know how you get on with them. If you come across a particularly powerful deck that performs consistently well on the ladder, let us know in the comments section below. We'll investigate, play around with it, write the deck up for our deck guides collection, and include it in here so that everyone can get stuck into the next big thing!
The best League of Explorer decks - Raptor Rogue
If you like the kind of tempo play that defines Hearthstone's Arena mode, we think you'll enjoy taking one of the many variations of Raptor Rogue into battle. The objective with this deck is pretty simple – snowball your threat, make trades where your minions will survive the experience, but otherwise do damage to your opponent. The powerful Deathrattle-copying effect of Unearthed Raptor drives this deck, and it's an incredibly sticky thing to do battle with.
Check out our Unearthed Raptor Tempo Rogue guide for more details on how to play this incredibly powerful deck.
The best League of Explorer decks - Trump's Reno Jackson
Trump's revised take on Midrange Paladin plays wonderfully well with the new Reno Jackson card. There are no duplicates in the deck – so you don't need to worry about tracking the cards you spend – and you have a huge amount of flexibility to maintain control of the board, while working towards your own mid and late-game win conditions. The comeback king just got a new way of getting back into even the most disastrous of matches, and this is probably our favourite League of Explorers deck so far.
Have a look through our complete Reno Jackson Paladin guide to get up to speed with all the nitty-gritty details of climbing the ladder with it.
The best League of Explorer decks - Reno Jackson Handlock
Handlock is one of those deck archetypes that's never going to stop being competitive in Hearthstone, and the addition of Reno Jackson to the deck means you can tap even more fearlessly into your health pool than ever before. You need to pay a little more attention to your maths here though, so that you still manage to get those health-dependant, Mana-reduced minions into play, while still keeping yourself alive. Otherwise it's business as usual for the Handlock player.
Take a look through our Reno Handlock guide for more information on getting started with this new twist on an old favourite.