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The Gates of Hell Open: Solium Infernum Out

An lo! there was a cry from the pits. The turn-based-devil-'em-up Solium Infernum is now available to purchase. If you don't want to throw cash down blind - and you probably should at least feel it out - there's a demo available for you to play, which you can get here. To get a feel for the game, here's my first-impression notes, though Tom Chick's ongoing diary will be splendid at introducing some of the concepts you should be thinking about. There's a manual in the actual game directory. Also, while there's apparently a default player-archdemon, but it doesn't appear for some systems - mine included. Vic suggests a basic martial demon, in which case, I'd throw down Martial 2 and Charisma 3. Make him a Duke and have Wrath at your aim. More on the Cryptic site and I multiplayer diaries when we get a game cooking with hellfire.

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