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The Humble store is having a Halloween sale too

More spooky sales

What's a holiday if it doesn't come with a sale on games loosely related to its theme? A terrible trick, which is part of what makes Halloween a real treat—discounts on horror games galore. The Humble Bundle are joining in on spooky sales with their own Halloween offers. Some are, appropriately, horror games. Some others are just vaguely grim, I guess. But hey, they're all on sale.

You can find the whole bunch over on Humble's sale page. On the list of appropriately spooky games you may be in the mood for are a whole slew of Resident Evils, including the remakes of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 which are both 50% off. Resident Evil 7 is whacked down by 51% while some of the older options have been slashed further.

Dead By Daylight and Dying Light have made the list with cuts around 60%. Viscera monster Metroidvania game Carrion has gotten a 25% markdown. Graham's Carrion review suggests the fun of monster movement is slightly marred by the anxiety of poorly-guided exploration but hey, it's something a bit different from the rest.

There are plenty of not-so-horror options too, if you're just looking for a decent deal. I'll always give a good word for deceptively difficult exploration RPG Outward, which is down by 66%. There are lots of Lara Crofts, Batman: Arkhams, and Hitmans on offer as well.

As of today, Humble say the sale is going on for another 9 days, meaning it aught to end on about November 1st.

The Epic Game Store is having a Halloween sale too, which is running until November 3rd.

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