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The RPS RSS feed has evolved

Here's how to tailor your RPS RSS feed to get exactly what you want, when you want it

Good news, RSS readers. The way you read RPS articles is about to get a whole lot easier. In addition to our main feed, you can now customise your RSS feed by subscribing to individual channels to get exactly the kind of articles you want in one concentrated dose of RPS goodness. Read on below to see how it works.

Technically, this isn't a new development as such, but we've also never had it spelled out on the site anywhere before. Instead, it's fallen to a few stalwart readers to pass down this handy bit of RPS knowledge over the last few months, either through the comments or the RPS Discord, for which you have our undying thanks. Happily, we're now codifying it so everyone can partake in the RSS goodness. In addition to posting about it here, you'll have hopefully noticed a new RSS link in our top navigation bar as well, which will immortalise this advice forevermore.

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As mentioned above, you can still get every post we write delivered to your RSS reader of choice by subscribing to our main feed, but if, for example, you'd rather just get our news and reviews rather than the full whack of everything else, then you can use the individual RSS links below to tailor your RSS feed to your liking.

A customisable RSS feed was one of the most requested things on your wishlist of features in the recent reader survey we did, alongside a customisable homepage. We're still looking into the feasibility of the latter, but in the meantime, I hope these customisable RSS feeds will go some way in making your RPS reading experience a lot more enjoyable going forward.

This is partly because one of the other most requested things in the survey was a return to the Latest page as the default RPS homepage. Alas, I'm sorry to say that isn't going to happen. As I explained to supporters the other week, a lot of care and thought was put into creating the new homepage when we redesigned the site at the beginning of January, and I, for one, think it shows off the best of what’s happening on RPS much better than ever before.

As Graham said at the time, our guiding principle during the redesign was to "make it easier for you to find the work you want from us,” and the new homepage does this in spades. That top spotlight is manually curated by myself, Alice Bee and Alice0, and we all take great pride in sticking our latest and greatest features, news and reviews in there to help you get to the good stuff as fast as possible. If you do miss the Latest format, it’s still here. Put that one in your bookmarks instead. It’s why we kept it.

Of course, I'll keep you updated on how we get on with any other homepage developments as and when I get them. Our tech team are working flatout migrating our pals at Eurogamer onto the same system as us, VG247, Cosplay Central and Dicebreaker at the moment, so any major changes aren't likely to happen until sometime next year, but we'll let you know here (and on our News RSS feed) as soon as anything gets confirmed. In the meantime, please enjoy your new RSS experience.

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