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The Sims is asking players about potential new features like "bromances" and second homes

Give your two Simoleons

The Sims 4 is looking for player feedback on what features will make the cut for the future of the game. Over on Twitter, a Sims community manager tweeted a survey gauging player interest in ideas such as new relationship types, second homes, and designing resorts.

The survey asks players to rank their level of interest on a 10-point scale for a range of features. A big area Frost asks about is relationships between Sims. One interesting option is new relationship types, for which the survey gives "bromances" as an example. The concept of a bromance feels a bit regressive but perhaps there are other true-to-life relationship types being tossed about alongside it.

Other possibilities are Sims outside the played household being able to propose marriage, a shared relationship history between Sims where past events like big fights will affect their ability to be close again, and shared experiences where certain Sims often do the same activities together like becoming "brunch buddies."

Another neat category is for new gameplay. Options given are for Sims to take an outing to a resort, design and run their own resorts, or own second homes, along with a couple others. The Sims 4 Seasons expansion gets particular attention with the survey asking for player interest level in new snow activities like snowmobiling, skiing, and ice skating on a pond.

Personally, I often neglect my actual Sim families in favour of building so I'd be jazzed for a one-two-punch combo of designing resorts specifically with new relevant snow-based activities. You'll find me building a ski lodge resort, if so.

Naturally, none of the items mentioned in the survey are a promise of future features but I have to imagine that a few of those listed are already being prototyped or discussed internally. You can take the survey yourself to give feedback on the features you're most interested in seeing for The Sims 4.

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