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The Wrong Side Of Red: Waking Mars

With Lovecraftian tactics having recently ported from iOS to PC, it'd be great to see more games following the same path. There are plenty of interesting developments in the touchy world of portable gamesquares and one of the most interesting is Waking Mars, an exploration game in which the puzzles are based around manipulating and understanding the interactions between alien flora and fauna. It's quite a special treat and developers Tiger Style, also responsible for the exquisite Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor, have announced today that they "are taking early steps to bring it [Waking Mars] to PC/Mac/Linux later this year". Splendid news.

The blog post that contains the port news is a longer piece detailing sales numbers and the company's pricing philosophy. It's interesting that one of the reasons given for the high ($4.99 is high!) price point is as follows: "Launching at $4.99 also reinforces the idea that the game is serious and significant, and that it’s not “just a mobile game.” We hope that this game’s long tail will extend out beyond the App Store."

Hopefully that means the PC version will come with at least one bell and a penny whistle. Here's the original trailer.

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