Titanfall 2 adding 'Live Fire' one-minute mode for free
Do or die
A zippy new multiplayer mode is coming to Titanfall 2 [official site], offering 6v6 Pilot-only close-quarters action with one-minute rounds. I know a lot of our gushing about our favourite FPS of 2016 has focused on its campaign but the multiplayer is cracking too. It doesn't hurt that all new multiplayer modes and modes are free. So yes, the new mode is named Live Fire and it should arrive in the next big content update with two maps of its own.
Respawn Entertainment's announcement on Friday explained Live Fire:
"A round-based best of 5 mode with no respawns, you will have one minute to eliminate the opposing team in order to win the round. You can also win the round if your team is holding the neutral flag when the round timer ends. It's fast, frantic, and sure to help hone those teamwork and mobility skills. We're also introducing two brand new maps designed specifically for Live Fire: Stacks and Meadow. Playable only in the Live Fire playlist, these two maps are tight, enclosed death boxes designed specifically for the fast-paced, intense nature of the mode."
Another map is coming for the 1 on 1, pilot vs. pilot Coliseum mode too. These are all good things to receive for free.
Respawn added, "Soon we will reveal our roadmap for the next couple months that will have more maps [including remasters of more maps from Titanfall], weapons, modes, and more."