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To The Betacave! Gotham City Imposters

Gotham City Imposters, which can very loosely be described as Team Fortress 2 populated by armies of crazies pretending to be either Batman or the Joker, is two important things: 1) the first game from NOLF-makers Monolith since the dour FEAR 2, and more importantly their first attempt to do humour and outlandishness rather than po-faced horror since 2003 2) bonkers.

This is why my bat-sense is tingling at news GCI has opened beta sign-ups.

The concept of bad-themed vigilantes battling clown-themed thugs across an urban playground is both a welcome injection of silliness into grim'n'gritty batworld and a smart way of getting around the problem that everyone only wants to be Batman or the Joker in a DC Comics-based game.

While superficially TF-esque, it is apparently classless - you'll unlock abilities, body types and costume parts as you level up, and can combine 'em however you fancy. If you want to a rocket launcher-wielding medic who looks like a leprous Harley Quinn, you can. Well done you.

Oh hey, let's play that trailer again.

Watch on YouTube

CG, eh? So here's some RealPlay(TM) VidLook(TM) for you too.

Watch on YouTube

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