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Tomb Raider E3 Trailer Is Dramatic, Gorgeous

Alright. Okay. I'm not sure there's any conceivable way that Crystal Dynamics' forthcoming reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise could be half as arresting and gorgeous as this trailer. Tell you what, though. I'm looking forward to seeing them try.

What gives me hope for Tomb Raider is that Square Enix clearly gave an incredible amount of money to Eidos Montreal to make Deus Ex: Human Revolution happen. Click here for my sober-yet-quietly-gobsmacked impressions of that particular piece of work. This is a publisher that's clearly hungry for quality.

What I'm thinking, considering the first screenshots of the Tomb Raider reboot appeared back in January, the quality of this trailer, and that the game's still slated for a release as far in the future as Q3 2012, is that Square Enix have given Crystal Dynamics a similarly sized budget. If that's the case, this could end up something very special indeed.

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