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Top-Down Troopers: Close Combat - Gateway To Caen

Odon, what a lovely war

I'm expecting to be crushed beneath an avalanche of trailers at any moment as the E3 machine grumbles into action. There will be spectacle, there will be slaughter, there will be Molyneux Santa Claus. There is a trailer in this post but it has very little in common with the noise of E3, being the last of the veteran Close Combat series to utilise the ageing engine that has driven the tactical games for many years now. Gateway To Caen is out now and watching the video plucks at my nostalgia nerves as if they were a cherub's harp.

Gateway to Caen focuses on the largest, concentrated British offensive since the Normandy landings in an attempt to penetrate the German lines west of Caen and cross the Odon River to get the stalled advance moving again.

All well and good, but what are the numbers?

Thirty new battlefield maps accurately reflect the Odon Valley west of Caen, France.
65 vehicles, 36 infantry units, 77 weapons.
New vehicles and guns including Churchill, Cromwell, M-10 Achilles, and Firefly tanks; 17-pdr AT guns, Loyd Carriers, and more.
Improved graphics and effects and new soldier voices.
Revised terrain files that represent the specific conditions of the Odon battlefield: tall cornfields and hindered, muddy movement during rainy weather.
New features including Rolling barrages and dug-in/camouflaged tanks and anti-tank guns.
Historic regimental names and battalion organization.
Mount troops or guns on vehicles.
Integrated multi-player lobby and match-making forums.
Enhanced Scenario Editor - Create your own "what if" Scenarios.

Well, some of those features include numbers. The next Close Combat game, The Bloody Fist, will be in 3d. First-person shooter? Nah. It's still top-down, and The Flare Path has already investigated.

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