Giant wars and a rain of elves in Total Warhammer 2's free Laboratory DLC
Imagine a skaven so powerful it can punch a dragon hard enough to knock it off its feet. Then imagine that the pull of gravity has been weakened so much that the dragon is sent cartwheeling into the sky. If you have a copy of Total War: Warhammer 2, you won't need to imagine such scenes for much longer because you'll be able to make them happen on your computer.
Today, Sega announced a new, free DLC called The Laboratory. It's coming on Thursday the 14th of December and it looks very silly indeed.
It sounds more like a toy than an actual game mode, letting you fiddle with settings that'd normally be under the hood so that you can push the game to its limits. Here's the official word:
Designed in collaboration with Intel® and aimed squarely at those with powerful gaming PCs, The Laboratory is a Skaven-themed Custom Battle playground. The Laboratory’s numerous sliders allow multiple game variables to be tweaked, pushing battles in new and ridiculous directions. Players can massively ramp-up unit sizes, remove the bounds of gravity, and increase impact force tenfold to create scenes of pure chaos. With sixteen different settings to tinker with, players can even save their best combinations of tweaks to use again or share with friends.
The important thing is that there's a bit in the trailer that looks like Helm's Deep. But bigger. And another bit when gravity manipulation makes it look its raining men. Or possibly elves.