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Trendbusting: Saints Row 3 PC Undelayed

Saints Row: The Third seems a bit more mad every time I see it and the latest announcement concerning its release is one of the maddest things of all. Showing a keen satirical sensibility, this declaration has emerged from the neon-lit, glitterball-strewn funhouse that is Saints Row HQ:

THQ and Volition announced that the PC version of Saints Row: The Third is scheduled to release exactly when they said it would. Developed in-house at Volition in Champaign, IL and powered by Steam, Saints Row: The Third on PC is not scheduled to be delayed by any unforeseen development problems, shipping issues, inclement weather, or zombie apocalypse. As such, it remains on track for a November 15 release, exactly when we said it would.

In a perfect world, this would not be necessary or amusing, but we live in an imperfect world and those few words sadly show that Volition are paying more attention to their PC audience than some companies seem to do throughout an entire development cycle.

They know we're scowling about assassins and Arkhams, and they want to make sure we don't scowl about their Saints this time out. More jubilant, violent glee in a new trailer follows, as Professor Genki returns.

There is very little that didn't happen in that video. I'm going to say that nobody was inexplicably attacked by paratrooping grizzly bears wearing waistcoats and top hats in the hope that someone at Volition rectifies that by November 15th.

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