Trials Fusion Online Multiplayer Finally Rolls Out
Nine months after launch
Being in a motorbike accident is, I've been told, terrifying and awful, just awful, the pits, ugh, frightful, I really don't think you'd like it. Yet watching a motorbike accident is, I've seen on You've Been Framed, a rib-tickling barrel of laughs. Tempering the horror of the first with the joy of the second, Trials Fusion now has online multiplayer to go with its local play. Nine months after the game came out, you and seven other folks can finally zip, flip, and shatter your hips together.
Or alongside each other, anyway, as each rider races on their own separate 2D plane (yours will always appear to be at the front). I dread to imagine the carnage if they were able to touch each other. Can video games make a pile-up so brutal even Harry Hill couldn't crack a Coronation Street joke about it?
Anywho, here are the three modes added for online multiplayer:
Online X-Supercross mode: up to eight players compete on three random tracks, with one winner selected based on the highest score. Private Game mode: up to eight players pick which track they want to race on and can customise the race’s parameters with options including track gravity, bike's speed and bike control. Private Game with Spectator: Players looking to watch online multiplayer can select the track and parameters for the race and invite eight other players to ride so they can watch the race. These matches can also be broadcasted using streaming platforms.
And according to this here new trailer, online multiplayer is like sex or something. I don't know.