Truthiness: The Bureau - XCOM Declassified
Two things to note in regards to this latest The Bureau: XCOM Declassified video. Actually, make that three things because it's worth mentioning that the name becomes worse every time I have to type it. It's not the worst use of a colon this side of an alien probing session, but it is a tad cumbersome. I'm also increasingly wary of the stop-start nature of the command system and, yes, I know that may seem a strange complaint coming from a man who loves all things turn-based. I guess I just want it to go the whole way and be turn-based. My final objection, before dropping the video onto your screen, relates to the setting. The nifty period style doesn't seem to extend beyond the hats - the rest comes across as more futuristic than actual XCOM.
Am I just being grumpy? I still want to play it, however much I might protest.