Video: My Five Favourite No Man's Sky Monsters
A mini-bestiary
I'd really like to show you some of the ridiculous/awesome/weird animals I've found during my initial travels with No Man’s Sky [official site]. I've been recording the strangest/coolest as I go and they include things like the Thrillersaurus Rex, the Weird Hand Squid and the Chubby-Cheeked Push-up Monster!
Over the last few days, the more I've played of No Man's Sky, the more the things I found irritating are fading into the background and I'm, instead, finding a lot that's wonderful or beautiful or so silly I can't stop laughing. I think perhaps it's at least partly because of the way I play the game which tends to focus on the things it does really well and not on the ones it doesn't. It's interesting how you settle into a game and learn to work with it/inside its frameworks if you like some of the core loops enough. For me the moments where you find a new combination of colours, or a startlingly different climate, or maybe a clump of alien butterflies are more than enough to keep me engaged.
But what of those bizarre animals I mentioned? I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED!