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Voxabundle Adds Isaac, Blocks That Matter

The devious wee sods. It's always like this: the Humble Bundle announces its latest pay-what-you-want indie deal, so we duly post about it because the people should know and all that. Then, a few days later, they go and add more games to the bundle, so it seems wise to also post about that. They've got us by the short and curlies. Joking aside, clan Bundle's machinations are becoming perhaps over-obvious by this point, and I do hope there will be updated rather than ritual tactics in future.

For now though, let us celebrate that the Voxatron bundle has seen the excellently screwed-up The Binding Of Isaac and tight puzzler Blocks That Matter added to it.

If you've already waved a few wallet-moths in the direction of the Voxabundle, thus getting you access to an alpha version of Lexaloffle's very pretty, agreeably intense, badly in need of a controls patch voxel-based shooter, you'll find Isaac and Blocks waiting on your download page. If you're yet to buy Voxabundle, you'll need to beat the average price (currently $4.55) in order to nab the two extra games. Got that?

I'll confess I am in two minds about Humble Bundles based around one game or developer; obviously I'm glad to see the money hose turned on as wide an assortment of courageous indie devs as possible, but I worry about leaning a little towards the Kickstarter ethos might slowly weaken the power of the Bundle name. There is magic in seeing a random collection of games grouped together in the major bundles, and I wouldn't like that to become diluted. Still, doesn't seem to be a problem for now.

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