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What are we all playing this weekend?


It's Rezzed time! This weekend, half of RPS will descend upon That London to visit the games show run by our corporate siblings. We have our own room with some strange games on custom controllers (look out for my sloppy work on the Tenya Wanya Teens controllers), we're talking with makers of Into The Breach and Heat Signature, and we'll be in a pub on Saturday night. Well, some of us will. Maybe we'll see you there?

What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!

Adam: Adam is busy at Rezzed.
Alec: I have a weekend full of five year olds' birthday parties to endure so time will be tight - as such, I shall endeavour to establish whether it is possible to play the blessedly quick Minit in between bouts of wiping chocolatey mouths clean and arbitrating between bouncy castle-based blood feuds.
Alice: I've been putting off Bloodborne's DLC section because so many of its bosses are so fast and I am so very committed to destroying all monsters using only my deathly slow gravestone on a stick. But I have only a straight run of three bosses left in the main campaign, so I should bite the quicksilver bullet and get hammering. It does feel good when I nail a zippy boss with a big smash.
Brendan: I'm not going to Rezzed, but I did get my "Certificate of Completion" for Final Fantasy XV just in time to go on ANOTHER STAG DO this weekend. I think I've been hexed by some ridiculous warlock with curser's block. "You shall, uh, you shall forever more, uh, lose your weekends to, um... to the shouts of Lads Lads Lads!" Yeah. Good one, mate. Good one.
Graham: I'm joining the RPS crew at EGX Rezzed, which means I'll be playing many games. Some of those games are called "stressing about the show." Some of those games are called "drinking down the pub." Some of those games will hopefully be spent playing with Adam, because it'll be my last chance to see his lovable mug before he departs RPS for good. [sniff]
John: John has been fired.
Katharine: Much like a lot of the team, I'll be supping on the delights of EGX Rezzed this weekend. I'm particularly looking forward to tucking into shopkeep/dungeon crawler Moonlighter, as well as the incredible-sounding Disco Elysium. Frostpunk, Below and Ooblets are all on my list of must-visit stands as well, and hopefully there won't be a 50ft queue for the lovely Tala in the Leftfield Collection either.
Matt: I'm at Rezzed, which means I'm playing loads of fab stuff that you can't because nuh nuh, you're not at Rezzed. Unless you are, in which case you might spot me trying out the likes of Disco Elysium, Wargroove, and the fancy new upcoming version of Regular Human Basketball.

But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?

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