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World Of Goold

It was only the other day that I was loudly lamenting the lack of more World Of Goo. What can be taking him so long? How could he tease us with that first chapter, and then no more for such a long time? Just how long ago did we place our pre-orders again? But phewie to the extremes, 2D Boy has declared the game has gone gold.

"I can hardly believe it, but we just submitted a PC gold master to our North American retail partner. Keep an eye out for this box around the first week of November. The WiiWare and online releases will likely happen sooner… stay tuned!"

And not forgetting, in light of the fuss below,

"We’re going to experiment with no DRM for copies purchased from this site. There are many reasons for this, but we like to think people will be good, and we want to give the best user experience possible."

Whoopie! The first chapter was a thing of unbridled loveliness. Quickly now. (Thanks to Simon).

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