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Yeah! Ass Creed: Bruvhood Ditches UbiDRM?

The Steam pre-order page for the PC version of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (which we now know will be landing on the 18th of March) would appear to be missing something. The eagle-eyed tipsters at Beefjack have spotted that where the Steam page for Assassin's Creed 2 described the game's need for an permanent internet connection in capital letters and addressed the game's DLC in the Game Details box, Brotherhood has no such warnings, indicating that the game will be shipping without the DRM (though they could always update the page later). It wouldn't be a massively surprising move, seeing as how R.U.S.E. shipped without the hateful thing. We should celebrate! Is it too early to open a bottle of something? Surely not.

We've asked Ubisoft to make an official statement on the DRM for Brotherhood, but no response as yet.

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