You Scream, I Scream, RPS Streams: Titanfall
Because Valentine's Day
I am hoping to kick off a more regular streaming schedule (with RPS staffers who are not me sometimes, no less!) soon, but for now, BOOM CRASH WHAM: random Titanfall stream while many of you are, in all likelihood, asleep. It's still Valentine's Day here in the good ol' US of That One Place I Claim To Be From, and both I and Hayden Dingman of PCWorld are painfully alone. Thus, what better way to spend an otherwise existentially uncomfortable evening than by drowning our sorrows in some sensual mechanized massacre? Don't answer that. Anyway, on with the show. We'll be kicking off at 10 PM PT/6 AM GMT. We would've started far sooner, but Titanfall's servers have been down pretty much all day. Better in beta than after, I suppose.
And we're done! You can watch a recording of the full thing below.
Watch live video from NathanGrayson on TwitchTV
And here are some YouTube highlights with the bits where we just waited for finicky servers to connect handily chopped out.