American Truck Simulator heads to Montana on August 4th
Big Sky DLC
American Truck Simulator's tenth expansion is almost upon us. The freight simulator's Montana DLC was announced in November last year, and now developers SCS Software say it'll begin its journey on August 4th. There's a new trailer and a longer in-game video to watch below.
When I think of American landscapes, I think first of cities like New York, and second of wide open spaces found in the likes of Montana. Tall trees, taller mountains, glacial lakes; the sort of unfathomably large terrain where my small bones would eventually be discovered after having been excreted by a bear. It's a blessing ATS doesn't let you get out of the truck.
Like all American Truck Simulator expansions, the state of Montana comes with new routes to drive, new industries to haul for, new cities and towns to visit, and recreations of several local tourist attractions. In Montana's case, that includes Glacier and Yellowstone national parks - though the Steam page also suggests there'll be ghost towns.
While the trailer above captures the gist, I like ATS for the long, chill drives, and they work almost as well when watched as they do when played. If you want some pleasant second screen viewing, here's 30 minutes of a drive across Montana, released a few days ago:
That truck simulators are popular enough to support this kind of long-term, large scale development project is one of my favourite things in all of PC gaming.