An Ode To Joy
I'm having a bit of a moment. Portable gaming has just been sorted, made a done deal. There is no need for anything else.
Peggle has been released for iPod. Peggle! PEGGLE!
It's the easiest £3.99 I've ever spent (or five of your Yanqui dollars). I no longer need to set off on a journey with a bag full of laptop, PSP, DS, MP3 player, and required cabling. I just need my iPod and Peggle. Thanks, by the way, to the various folks who tipped us off about this gladdest of tidings.
I've had a quick play, and can report that it seems to be essentially perfect. The wheel tracks a little slower than I'd like, but clearly it's an ideal interface for Peggle's left a bit, right a bit, GO controls. But other than that, the look, the feel, the sounds are identical to the PC version, beautifully realised in just 320x240 pixels. It's enough for me to eye my iPod suspiciously, convinced that it just shouldn't be capable of something of that relative complexity.
I am so very happy. I'm less happy about the quality of my hastily-taken photographs, but hey.
Confusingly, however, the download (only available through iTunes, with associated DRM, sadly - also it'll only work on video-capable pods) amounts to around 4.6 Peggles. A Peggle is no longer equal to a Peggle. Guh.
So we're going to have to revise our RPS-exclusive unit of measurement for downloads. Should we retain the proud Imperial Peggle (equivalent to 15 of your Earth Megabytes) or switch to the new-fangled Metric Peggle (69Mb)? RPS-Nation: decide!